Spell to Drive Away the Lover (INFALLIBLE)

Does your partner have a Lover or do you suspect that they are having an affair and you want to put an end to it Forever? Start reading NOW the only and infallible…

👉 Spell To Drive Away Lover fast and powerful (with Pure White Magic) 👍

You are going to know the authentic esoteric ritual to keep your lover away from your side, forever. Because you don’t deserve to continue suffering.

Today is the time to say ENOUGH ✋

You will permanently distance the lover from your husband (or your wife) with an unstoppable White Magic, which will manage to win even if the lover made your husband (or your wife) Moor.

Even if you only suspect but are NOT sure, this esoteric Spell will work by keeping him from going with a Mistress!

Does This Effective Spell To Drive Away A Lover Work On Men And Women?

This is my dear reader of www.!

Whether your partner is a woman 👩 or a man 👱, this ritual will IMMEDIATELY take her lover away from her.

And it will bring your partner back to your side. As it always should have been.

What can I do to increase the Effectiveness of the Spell to Keep My Lover Away from My Partner?

Once you complete this powerful spell to separate your lover from your husband, I recommend that you remain attentive to the changes that occur. Usually it is, in the same week, when they stop seeing each other 🔎

Even some readers, like Sabrina or Hugo, have confirmed that it happened on the same day.

As if it were a miracle 🙏

Light… Is it normal that I want the Mistress to Suffer with a Spell? 🔥

I have received a few queries asking me to please include a way to harm the lover.

However, my advice is to simply perform this ritual to Drive Them Away Forever and let fate take its course.

Aggression magic is not White, or Light, and I do not recommend performing an aggression magic that could fall your way in the future.

For this reason, I recommend that you perform this Spell to Drive A Lover Away with absolute faith since, like all the rituals on my Blog (📚 You can consult them from the Index!) it is pure White Magic that will only bring positive changes in your life. life ⭐

You don’t need Black or Dark Magic to get your lover away from your husband (or from your wife if you’re a man)!

What Ingredients do I need to Make the Most Powerful Spell Against the Mistress?

The ingredients of this ritual are simple and you can get them easily. Of course, combined and once you perform the ritual, they will become powerful and capable of keeping your husband away from his lover FOREVER.

List the Ingredients NOW! 📖 Because this way you can start preparing this ritual in a very short time:

  • A glass of water.
  • A dish.
  • A lemon 🍋
  • A few drops of vegetable oil 🍶 (can be sunflower seed, olive, coconut…)
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • A little ground pepper (the color doesn’t matter, although I prefer to use Black Pepper).

👉 You also need an identifying element of your partner (husband, wife, girlfriend, husband…) You can choose between one of the following:

  • A piece of hair, nail or navel lint.
  • A piece of clothing 👕 (especially underwear).
  • A piece of your toothbrush.
  • A cigarette butt (if you are a smoker) 🚬
  • If you could not get ANY of the above, you will have to write your Name on a small piece of paper in large capital letters 📃

👉 And finally, you also require an identifier of your partner’s lover (or lover). As this is more complicated to achieve, a piece of paper where you will write the following text will suffice:


“Lover of (Name and Surname of your Partner)”

You will finally be able to cast the spell to keep a lover away from my husband and you will have the GREATEST success! 🌠

When to do the Spell to banish the lover?

Next, I am going to give you some tips so that you can choose the BEST day and thus achieve the greatest success in your ritual to drive away the lover (or the lover).


📅 Best day to do the Spell to get him away from his lovers: choose any day, since it does not matter what day of the week you do this powerful spell.

🌙 What Moon Phase is the most appropriate to perform the ritual to remove my husband’s lover? My advice is to do the spell in a waning phase, because you want to deprive or eliminate something from your life, in this case the lover.

🌜 That is to say, you will be able to carry out this ritual to distance the husband from the lover in the Waning Phase or in the New Moon 🌛

⏰ What time is the most appropriate to perform the Spell to separate my lover from my Husband? My advice is to choose a time when you are alone or alone in your home and when you will not be interrupted 🌞

⭕ Can I repeat this Spell for my husband’s lover? Once you perform the ritual (following all the steps) I recommend that you wait at least 30 days to allow the Magic to do its work. If after 30 days NO change has occurred or your husband and lover are still together, then you can repeat the ritual, to maximize success. However, I will tell you that there are few cases that need to be repeated due to the great effectiveness of this esoteric White Magic.

🙏 Extra Tips!

  1. You can separate the mistress from the husband of your daughter! Or the lover of the relative or loved one that she is suffering! Below 👇 I explain how to do the Spell to Remove the Lover from a Third Person.
  2. If you are reading this you need to do the ritual. My advice is that you DO NOT hesitate a moment longer and start it today.

Characteristics of the Spell to Drive Away the Lover

🔍 Spell Theme: Spell – LOVE – Lover.
⭐️ Effectiveness: Very High.
✅ Difficulty: Medium / Low.
📚 Type of Spell: Spell to keep a lover away from my husband (or wife).

How to make the Spell to Separate your Husband from the Lover?

As you are going to see, this is a powerful and very simple spell recipe to remove a lover from a husband.

To begin the ritual, make a circle with the salt on the plate, as a magical space where you can perform the White Magic spell to keep the lover away from your loved one.

Once the circle is complete (as you can see in the image below 👇), you must place your husband’s identification object in an EMPTY GLASS.

Next, he puts inside the object that will identify his lover (that is, the paper with his name on it).

The Most Powerful (IT DOES WORK!) Spell to Separate Him from the Mistress.

Now, you must squeeze the juice of half a lemon over it🍋 While you do this, you must pronounce the following sentence out loud:

📜 Lemon Away, Lemon Separate, Lemon Scare.

Then sprinkle the top with ground pepper. While you do this, you must pronounce the following sentence out loud:

📜 Pepper Remove, Pepper Banish, Pepper Apart.

Third, add water to the glass (approximately halfway up the glass). It can be regular tap water, spring water, rain water, or even a plastic bottle. Lemon, Pepper and Oil: You will push his Lover away! Next, and very carefully, add a few drops of vegetable oil to the water. While you are introducing the drops of oil inside, you must pronounce the following sentence out loud:

📜 Just as Oil and Water are separated, (Name of Your Loved One) and their Lover are definitely separated. So be it from TODAY and FOREVER.

Now you must remove the salt to the trash. Clean the plate with a little salt (or alcohol) and you can use it for your kitchen or other rituals.

And as for the glass, it must remain in a dark place for at least 24 hours.

It can be under a piece of furniture, inside a closet, inside a trunk… Whatever it is, what matters is that it is a dark place and that it is at least 24 hours (if it is more hours nothing happens at all) .

After 24 hours, throw EVERYTHING (including the glass) in the trash and take the trash out of your house. From that moment (and usually in 7 days) the changes will arrive ⭐

Your husband will leave his lover and if he doesn’t have a lover, he will never look for her 👍

🔎 By the way! If you need me to tell you the truth, to tell you EVERYTHING that is keeping you hidden, I recommend that you carry out the exclusive Spell to Tell the Truth (Unmask Someone)

Spell to Remove the Lover of a Third Person

As I have explained above, this ritual can be performed to distance the lover from the husband of a daughter or any other relative.

In some way, you will bless your life and you will allow that lovers do not appear in your relationship that can bring down the entire relationship.

To do it this way, you must perform the entire spell as explained, with one exception. When you introduce the drops of oil inside, you must pronounce the following sentence out loud:

📜 Just as Oil and Water are separated, (Name of your Family’s Husband) and his Lover are definitely separated. So be it from TODAY and FOREVER.

📖 In this way you will achieve the result and help your loved one with the best White Magic!

Before finishing the Strong Spell to Keep My Lover Away from my Partner.

Today you have found the best way to drive away 👠 the mistress quickly and forever!

And you can start it TODAY, because you deserve to be happy 😉

oh! Don’t forget to follow me on Google+, so you don’t miss any of my New Posts and Spells!

I send you my blessings and my best wishes, so that you will soon achieve with this strong Spell Keep the Lover Away forever.