All RED candle RITUALS

Love rituals with red candles are usually the most requested in the world esotericthere are millions of rituals to satisfy the loving wishes plus commonuntil the romantic problems more specific, find here the ones we consider most useful, simple and effective.

For these spells we will need not only that the candles be red, but that they have the shape of heart or as a couple, thus reinforcing the requests made during the ritual.

Ritual with red candles to find out if someone is in love with you

Take the paper and write the name of that person you love, inside a heart. He places the candle on top of the paper, lights it and lets it burn down. While consuming, think of that person you like and that you want to be your partner. When 7 minutes have passed, extinguish the candles with your fingers.

💔 If no drop has fallen, it’s because you’re looking at someone else.

💗 If there are 1 to 6 drops, it’s doubtful.

❤💕If there are more than 6 dropscongratulations, he’s in love with you!

Ritual to guarantee commitment

If we know that our love is reciprocated, or we have been waiting for a proposal of marriagebut our gallant does not finish taking the decisive step, this ritual is for you.

This ritual with red candles do it at midnight with crescent moon ☾. On our knees in front of the lighted candle we will hold an object of our loved one with our hands. Bring your hands slightly to the flame and you should feel the heat from it. Close your eyes and focus on that person; Say his name out loud three times and let the candle burn out overnight.

Rituals with red candles to attract a man

bite into a nice apple redDo not chew the piece, just keep it in your mouth while you continue with the ritual. Take the photo of the man you love and put it with the apple and wrap everything in a sheet of paper, place the apple next to a red candle and light it, make a personal request for Attract to that person.

Rituals with red candles to attract the love of your life

On a night with a new moon, light a candle red. Mentally say positive words related to true love and marriage. At the same time, take the lighted candle with a thread to another that is unlit, spread the sugar around the lighted candle, this will make your aura expand and guide the path of your soul. twin

Ritual to ignite lust in marriage

on a moonlit night growing, light a red candle in the shape of a penis or in the shape of a heart and place it near the bed. To enhance the spell you can sprinkle sugar around. Kneel naked in front of the candle and repeat: «Passion flows in this room, our love is consolidated.» 3 times, that night try to take some time alone with your partner to meet again

Ritual with square red candles for lasting love

On a night with a crescent moon, light two square red candles, the bigger the better. Sit in such a way that your legs surround the candles. Place your photo under one of the candles and your partner’s under the other. You can also use a paper with their respective names. Make a mental prayer so that your relationship with that person is harmonious and that the energies of love always vibrate around them.

Ritual for love with red candles with reinforcement

Light two long red candles before beginning the ritual. On a sheet of white paper she draws a large heart with red ink. Place the drawing in the middle of the candles and then while you make your request for love, light candles of other colors according to what you need: pink for tenderness, orange for strength, blue for stability, etc.

Ritual to increase self-esteem

If you have self-esteem problems or feel that the universe is not favoring you, do the following:

In a deep plate or container with water, place a pretty red candle, you have to like it and represent yourself. Next, every time you look in the mirror, light the candle, say a nice phrase or a compliment while looking into your eyes, then extinguish the candle with your fingers while smiling.

Products for rituals with red candles

If you already have everything ready to put into practice any of the rituals above and if you don’t know where to buy red candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

Finally we leave you with this video where another ritual is explained to make that person fall in love who has not decided or has not yet noticed you.

We hope that these rituals bring love Y passion to your life, do not forget to leave us your comments and if you have any other contribution for the community. 🙂

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