RITUALS with SILVER CANDLES | meaning of the candles

To invoke spirituality and energy mole, rituals with silver candles are very useful for times when you need quiet to think. They are also popular for fishing and regulating energy feminine.

Rituals with silver candles are characterized by being delicate and connecting with the world spiritualeither to elevate our soul, ask for wisdom or concentration and that the celestial influences channel In us.

If you want to take advantage of silver candles, follow the following rituals.

Ritual with silver candles to regulate the menstrual cycle

the moon is the regent of feminine energies, to achieve an ideal connection with her and regulate the menstrual cycle, perform the following ritual:

The ritual begins with the moon newbefore going to sleep a silver candle is lit, and she takes a bath with hot water (if possible, the moonlight should enter through the bathroom window), every night for 28 days, and in that time the young woman cannot to eat nothing that contains sugar.

Ritual with silver candles to start projects

Ares (the planet Mars) also exerts its influence Through the color silver and gray, his strength and spirit as the God of War will give you energy to start new projects or to defeat to your enemies.

One day Tuesday At dawn, in a place where nobody bothers you, light 5 silver candles, one in the center and the others around at each cardinal point. Write on a piece of paper your wish for your new projects using words positiveWrap it around a silver object and squeeze it tightly in your left fist. After 9 minutes, extinguish the candles with the silver object and keep the paper close from your heart.

Ritual with silver candles to ask the spirits for answers

Eye, not everyone can connect with the world spiritualit takes years of practice and concentration, absolute conviction and possessing the inner energies channeled and open for our spirit to disconnect and contact the higher forces.

if you don’t have experience This ritual will help you to meditate and rest.

When the sun starts to rise over the horizon and even under the influence of Mars in the sky. Light 9 silver candles around you in a circle. Let switched on also a sandalwood incense to unblock your internal energies. Sit in a position meditation, and look towards infinity, let your gaze get lost in empty space. Clear your mind of everything thought and allow the spirits around you to whisper to you.

If you have a specific question, focus in it like a mantra, you will see that soon the answer manifests itself in your mind.

Ritual with silver candles to attract good energies

place a magnet on a silver platter. Then light a silver candle and hold it in the air as you ask out loud for the Blessings come to you Pour the wax over the magnet and when it is completely covered blow out the candle with your fingers.

Note that this ritual IT DOES NOT SERVE TO ATTRACT MONEY since silver is a mystical and spiritual color, which is not related to the world material.

Ritual with silver and gold candles for balance

With this ritual you can balance various types of energy opposite: masculine and feminine, the earthly with the spiritual, physical and mental strength, etc.

In a container of glass transparent add an infusion of thyme, around light 3 silver candles and 3 gold candles, repeat mentally: I achieve balance on the forces that influence me, I agree opposing forces, I open myself to balance.

During the next few minutes, observe how the candles are consumed, if some are consumed more than others, turn off those and let the others reach the same level before turning them off.

Rituals with silver candles to relieve nervous system problems and to release toxins

In a large cauldron or container, boil water with petals of rose and leave the windows open so that the aroma spreads and cleanses the home. We then dip three silver candles into the cold rose water and light them near the person who is suffering from the nerves. The person should close their eyes and restbut without sleeping, while imagining the influence of the moon healing her body.

Ritual with silver candles to bless others

On a wooden altar a bouquet of roses whose number of cocoons is equal to the number of people you want to help. Then 9 silver candles are lit lined up and proceed to make a personal prayer for each person taking the flower and placing its stem in water. To the end up candles are extinguished with the fingers.

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