All RITUALS with BLUE candles

Blue candles are related to the best qualities of the SELF, that is, patience, trust, loyalty and calm. Blue candle rituals help remove blockages on our path to enlightenment and encourage energy to flow within us to enhance these qualities.

The blue candles in white magic rituals they can also be used to stabilize the Energy of several people, thus helping to resolve and heal family relationships, friendships or business partnerships

Ritual to improve your sentimental relationships

3 blue candles are lit in a fourth Dark. Lying on your back on the floor, place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly, breathe deeply several times. When the heartbeat is slow and stable we close our eyes and make a mental request to ask for harmony and calm in our personal relationships. Arms are then fully opened and open the eyes.

Ritual with blue candles and garlic to heal a relationship

It can be any type of relationshipwhether love, family, business, etc.

6 long blue candles are lit. while they are consumed we wrote on a blue paper our name vertically and that of the person with whom we have had a conflict horizontally, thus drawing a cross of letters. Then we place a clove of garlic in the center and fold the paper to cover it.

We put the paper ball in the center of the candles and we say out loud: I forgive you and I hope you excuse me. We ended up blowing out the candles.

Ritual with blue candles so that our love forgives us

If we have made our partnerthis ritual will soften your heart a little so that you forgive us.

Take some leaves rue and let them dry in the sun for several days, then pulverize them and store them in a jar, turn on a blue candle by his side and mentally ask your partner to forgive you. The next day while cook something that your partner likes, light another blue candle and add a pinch of rue leaves in dust to the recipe.

Offer food to your partner with love, you will see that you will soon sorry.

Rituals with blue candles to calm the energies in the home

in the center of the house turn on 4 blue candles and one white in the center, then sprinkle orange blossom water throughout the house, this will appease anger and bring Calm down and harmony to the home.

Light a blue candle in each room of the house, as well as in the common areas to wake up patience, tranquility and peace in every corner of your house.

Draw a circle of salt around your house and place a blue candle in each cardinal point, let them burn out and bury the wax in the yard in those same 4 points, this will make your home a haven of peace and protection for those who live inside.

Ritual with blue candles for patience

If someone close to you is experiencing behavior impulsive and detrimental to his life: light a round blue candle in his room and place a dock grass under his mattress, or sprinkle dock tea all over the room.

As you blow out the candle with your fingers, say out loud: cover of patience, imagining the person who needs it.

Ritual with blue candle and white candle to heal diseases

Blue candles help unlock the chakras and let stagnant energies flow that could be causing discomfort, ailments and diseases.

In the sick room open windows and doors to allow sunlight to enter and air to ventilate. Then one turns on candle white and is held very carefully above the patient to absorb the energies negative. The candle is blown out the window so that the smoke leaves the room.

Then we light a blue candle and hold it near the sick person’s head and slowly bring it to their feet. In a soft murmur we repeat: The blue light of life runs through you, everything that illuminates within you fury

Ritual with blue candles for fidelity in the couple

If your partner is very susceptible to temptations that are offered to you on the path, you can do this ritual to calm your sexual energy and elevate your soul to harmonize with the spiritual world and discard desires earthly.

However, if that person is not fully connected to you, little will serve.

Cocola several white stones or quartz large targets around a blue candle. with a ribbon red attach a picture of you happily together to the candle. Then she closes her eyes and say: Temptations go away, your love is only directed towards me. Later write on a blue piece of paper the word loyalty, fold it twice and burn it in the flame.

If you liked these rituals, do not forget to leave your opinion in the comments. We hope they are from you utility and you can take advantage of your blue candles. 🙂

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