Rituals with green candles are mainly oriented to earn money and professional development, this color enlivens the hopewisdom, economic stability and above all luck.

The following rituals must to be made for each specific case, preferably in the places where we work occupationally.

Let’s see how you can take advantage of it 😉

Ritual with green candles to attract money

Please note that the ritual it will only expose you to new job or business opportunities, you will have to be attentive to the signs the following days and let the energies flow.

The ritual begins Monday. Place coins on a surface rectangularand every day for 7 days, light a candle green and let it be consumed on these. As the green candles melt opportunities They will appear around you.

Ritual with green candles to get a job

Light a green candle and burn your resume On paper, spread the ashes and a few drops of wax around a photo or logo of the company you want to work for. At the same time name mentally the job you want.

Ritual with green candles to get a salary increase

With this ritual we will create a powerful talisman that attracts money through promotions at work.

On a full moon night, place a glass of Water on your resume on a table, there you will put a bay leaf and a coin. place three candles forming a triangle leaving the glass in the center and light the candles while you visualize the moment in which you will get your promotion. wet your curriculum with a few drops of water, burn it and add the ashes in a bag that you will take with you to workedwhere no one can see or touch it.

Ritual with green candles to change jobs

On a paper write the position or profession you want and place the candle on it before lighting it. When you do it focus in your desire, mentally name it at least seven times. Let the candle consume all night.

Ritual with green candles for quick money or winning the lottery

In a jar place a green candle and light it. He writes on the paper the word “money” or the numbers of the paperboard lottery you are going to play. Open the lemon in half and close it again with the paper inside. Place the lemon next to the candle and cover it up with rosemary and bay leaves. Extinguish the candle with your fingers and cover the jar, and keep it around the House.

Ritual with green candles to grow professionally

Find 3 green candles of different sizes, one small, one medium and one large. Light the first one and say the word out loud: knowledge. As you light the second, say: Experience. And with the third: Dedication. On a piece of paper, write your profession horizontally and your name vertically to form a cross. To finish, pour the wax of the three candles on the paper and keep it in your briefcase, under your keyboard or in a file cabinet.

Ritual to know if you will get the job

In a quiet place where no one will interrupt you, light a green candle and burn a piece of paper with your name and the job you applied for. Wait until a little bit of wax forms in the center. And evaluate:

  • If the circle of wax is perfect and even, you will probably get it.
  • If it is deformed it is still doubtful.
  • If it has an oval shape, you may have missed the opportunity…

Ritual green candles and incense to attract large projects

At the same time light 5 sticks of incense on a handful of myrrh. When consumed, mix the ashes with the myrrh and surround three green candles. Kneeling in front of the candles, make wishes in a specific way to ask that certain projects or businesses come to fruition.

Ritual for the physical development of children

If any of your children have growth problems, light a green candle on the nights of the first quarter, while praying for their healthy growth and development. If possible, give your children a nut, an egg, and a cooked cartilage every morning to reinforce the ritual.

Products for rituals with green candles

If you already have everything ready to put into practice any of the rituals above and if you don’t know where to buy green candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

The rituals with green candles that we have just described must be done with great faith, letting the energies so that they guide us towards opportunities and good fortune.

Finally we leave you this video where you are going to learn how to do rituals to attract money with green candles.

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Last updated on 2022-09-05 / Affiliate Links / Affiliate API Images