The golden candles point to success, overcoming, the highest levels of the royalty, power and wealth. They are used in rituals to attract this type of energy, blocking in turn the opposite energies and the spirits malignant.

The rituals with golden candles to ask for riches, they can be very effective if they are done well; that implies that you never blow or let the candles go out with the air, because that would symbolize estrangement.

Ritual with golden candles to achieve quick success

A morning of a day Thursdaysmear 4 gold candles with a splash of olive oil cinnamonclose your eyes and focus on an image that you associate with the success or the money. Then on a piece of paper she draws the symbol of the sun leaving a small pile of myrrh in the center, light the candles around the sun for 2 hours, and then turn them off with the fingers.

Ritual to channel magic in lunar eclipses

When the sun and the moon meet align with the earth, these two stars influence us more powerfully. The moon raises the energies feminine and the one of sun the masculine ones. To take advantage of them we will do the following ritual:

Right at the moment of total darkness eclipse moonlight, light a gold candle for the sun, and a silver candle for the moon. Write a wish on a paper and put it in a glass with salt between the two candles. He closes his eyes and repeats your wish mentally. At the end of the eclipse, extinguish the candles.

You can make any wish, but those related to marriageor any relationship between a man and a woman, will be easier to achieve this time.

Rituals with golden candles for business

With a match light a golden candle near the front door of your business to Attract customers.

light three candles golden making a triangle near the cash register to multiply your Profits.

At dawn light a candle golden in every corner of your local or office to promote the success and prosperity.

Prior to sign important new contract or project, light a gold candle in front of a mirror and see yourself smiling in it, close your eyes and visualize the success and profits of that project.

Ritual with golden candle for money and wealth

Gather a handful of coins gold or gold objects, rings, jewelry, etc. Squeeze them firmly in the fist of your hand left. Light a gold candle (the bigger the better). Then he repeats out loud: “Money comes to me, I surround myself with riches, I attract treasures into my life…” Take a coin and with it turns off candle fire, keep it in your purse or wallet in a compartment hidden.

Ritual with a golden candle to ward off the competition

in a container or dish black, light a long golden candle, on a piece of paper write the name of the person or business who competes against you. Burn the paper with the flame and let it be consumed by completethen buries the remains of the candle in the ground saying: “I am above you, my success is above you…”

Ritual with golden candles for the spirit of Christmas

In the Scandinavian culture, as well as in certain Spanish-speaking regions, the spirit of Christmas is believed, either as an entity that distributes material goods, or an angelic presence that spreads wealth among its believers. If you want to invoke its power, perform the following ritual:

On the night of December 21, prepare 5 golden candles of a good size. Under each one she places a piece of paper with the words: Money, Prosperity, Jewels, Goods and Thanks. At 5 minutes to midnight she lights the candles and say loudly: «May my wishes come true, thank you spirit». After midnight, blow out the candles with your fingers or a coin.

Ritual with golden candle to win the lottery

Buy a lottery ticket that contains the number 7 and the number 8, then make a copy or write down all the numbers on a separate piece of paper. Light a gold candle if possible in the shape of a 4-leaf clover, burn a bay leaf with its flame and then drip a little wax on the paper with the numbers, and fold the paper so that the wax is hidden and sealed.

Ritual for riches to accumulate

In a container of good material, it can be glass, silver, gold, etc. (Never plastic or cheap materials). Pour some water with salt. Later, light several gold-colored candles and leave them floating in the water until they go out or burn out.

Products for rituals with golden candles

If you already have everything ready to put into practice any of the rituals above and if you don’t know where to buy golden candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

Finally, we leave you with a video where you are taught how to do a ritual with golden candles to attract money and prosperity to your lives.

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