Yellow symbolizes wealth and gold, which is why most rituals with yellow candles are done to attract money. Others also help to gain energy, vitality and health, although yellow candles are the queens par excellence.

Most of the rituals with yellow candles invoke an improvement in our economy, be it our own, the economy of others, business…

Do not miss all the rituals that we have prepared for you so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs for the moment you are going through in your life.

Take note and enjoy everyone!

Ritual to get a job, contracts or salary increase

Before a job interview, place a candle on each side of a mirror and place a few drops of sandalwood on your wrists and neck. Light the candles and focus on what you want. Then blow out the candles.

Ritual to attract opportunities or get rid of debts

Light the yellow candle on a plate with a bay leaf on the left and a coin on the right. She writes the word ‘money’ on a piece of paper and folds it twice and passes it 3 times through the candle. Burn the paper so that the ashes fall on the coin and use the coin as soon as you can.

Ritual to increase the economy of a business

On Monday and in a safe place in your business, light a yellow candle, put the bay leaves and coins in the jar while you make your financial wishes. Coat the leaves and coins with olive oil and concentrate in silence for 5 minutes. With his finger he extinguishes the candle by throwing the wax into the jar. Hide the jar and repeat the ritual every 3 months.

Ritual to gain strength, balance and energy

We light the yellow candle with a match on a round table. We take an agate stone and take it to our heart for 2 minutes, then we put out the candle and place the stone under the pillow for 5 nights. During those 5 nights, the candle must be lit for 1-2 hours before going to bed.

Ritual with yellow candle to attract money

On a Monday, preferably with a crescent moon, arrange on a yellow plate: cinnamon shavings and gold or copper colored coins. Place a yellow candle on them and after lighting it, write the following on a white or yellow paper: I open myself to new economic opportunities, the money comes to me. Then burn the paper with the flame and place your hands around it as if trying to catch the smoke. You can also blow out the candle and spread the smoke in your business with the windows closed.

Ritual to stabilize the economy

This ritual works both in your home and in your office. Circle as many yellow candles as people live or work in the place that needs financial stability. Under or around the candles place hard stones that represent firmness. Close your eyes and make a request out loud for the energy of riches to be well around you. Blow out the candles one by one with a coin, and then hide the coin where no one can see it.

Ritual to avoid wasting money

This ritual serves to prevent other people around us from wasting money on things they do not need, also to stop gambling, etc.

Light three yellow candles and place a picture of the person who needs to temper their cats under the first, a coin under the second, and a bay leaf under the third. She prays for the negative energies of temptation to go away. And let the candles burn out completely.

Ritual to achieve financial success

Light a yellow pyramid candle. You can write a personal request and leave it below. Turn it on every night for 7 minutes for 1 month.

Products for rituals with yellow candles

It is time to put your rituals into practice, if you do not know where to buy yellow candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

With this last ritual we finish the rituals that can be performed with yellow candles, they all deal with money and health that are the direct relationship with yellow candles. Prosperity and all your ambitious desires await you whenever you desire them with love and with a real need.

We hope you enjoy them and that they help you achieve all your goals.

Before finishing the post, we leave you with this video where the ritual that we have seen above is explained in detail to increase prosperity in your business, do not miss it, it is the clearest and fastest way to see how easy it is to carry out any ritual at

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