Did you know that there are different types of candles? Well yes: the truth is that there is a wide variety of candles that you can use in your day to day life and take advantage of all the benefits and utilities that they contain.

Depending on the type of candle you use, you can take advantage of a series of benefits or othertherefore, below we are going to discover all the variants one by one so that you know them and know how to use them in your daily life.

The different types of candle you should know

As we have already said, there are different candles that are used for very different occasions and, therefore, we want you to know each one of them so that you can start using them in your day to day life.

let’s introduce you the best known and most used candles around the world and that, therefore, will be very easy for you to find and learn to use them simply and quickly. Let’s start!

Japanese candles

The japanese candles they are not «candles» per se. They are a type of analysis technique that is used in Japan and that helps economists to be able to analyze a specific economic or social situation.

It is a type of analytical method used since the eighteenth and that arose in order to better control the rice market.

Nautical sails

Another of the most popular types of candles are, also, some candles that would not fall within the universal meaning of said word. Nautical sails are those that we meet on the boats and that help a boat to navigate thanks to the impulse of the winds.

A ship is usually equipped by the mainsail and other types of sails that are known by names such as «genoa», «spinaker», «sail», etc., but the latter are less frequent since they are for larger boats.

wax candles

Wax candles are back in fashion. Currently, this type of candle is one of the most consumed because they are made naturally, with beeswax, instead of the usual paraffin.

The secret of its success lies precisely in the fact that they are ecological candles that avoid the emission of gases that are harmful to the environment since they are manufactured with something as natural as beeswax.

In addition, due to this, the aroma they give off is the soft and sweet smell of the purest honey. A delight!

Decorative candles

Within the most common and used types of candles we highlight, without a doubt, decorative candles since they are a type of object that is used in the interiors of homes to give it a warmer and more welcoming touch to any room.

In fact, there are a wide variety of options to be able to decorate a corner with candles and give it a different touch: candles on the shelves, at the entrance of the home, by the window, inside bottles…

The ideas are thousands! And all of them will help you create a more intimate and relaxing environment for your home.

Scented candles

In addition to decorating, many candles can also create a relaxing and perfect space for escape from day to day Scented candles fulfill exactly this function.

They are candles that are made with various fragrances and that, when the wick is lit, give off an impeccable scent that spreads throughout your home.

This type of candle can be used both to read a good book at home and to make a aromatherapy session relaxing with music, giving you a bath, a massage, etc. Some candles that will help you enjoy a moment just for you.

esoteric candles

But, in addition to decorating and setting a home, candles can also used for mystical purposesyes In fact, in the oldest traditions, spells and spiritual treatments were performed with esoteric candles that had magical functionalities.

Nowadays, these candles are also still bought as they help to improve the energy of the home, to attract love, health, positivism… They are candles linked to the world of energies and spirituality and, therefore, will help improve the environment in which we live.

Candles for 15 years

And, finally, within the types of candles we cannot leave the candles for 15 years, that is, the candles that are delivered during the Quinceañera ceremony And that has a very special meaning.

The delivery of the 15 candles at the party is one of the most emotional moments and is usually done after taking out the birthday cake. This ceremony is based on the birthday person choose 15 important people and that, together with them, light the 15 candles.

It is a very emotional moment and it symbolizes that the person whose birthday he wants to have those 15 people in his life forever.

These are the most popular and most frequent types of candles in our day to day. As you can see, they have different characteristics and uses. Which one do you prefer?

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!