In black magic, black candles are a great source of evil power, as they accumulate too much energy and can easily get out of control. By directing that uncontrolled power towards our enemies we will cause great damage.

Now, you should also know that not all black candle rituals are done with bad intentions, in fact, they are used to create protection shields to block black magic spells, as well as negative energies that surround us.

White is absorbent, while black is repellent, which is why its most common use is to separate couples or repel toxic people and enemies. Find here forbidden rituals with black candles, but be very careful, because it could be returned.

Ritual with black candles to separate couples or lovers

This ritual is quite effective to make, or separate couples that have been formed as a result of infidelity or betrayals.

out of your homesmear two black candles in one potion of vinegar, sulfur and valerian. Insert in the middle a photo, or paper with the Names, of the couple. As you do this she thinks strongly about their separation. Finally light both wicks and heat the tips of the pins to stick each one into the opposite sides of the candles, or faces if you used a partner candle. when your anger turn offor when you feel calmer, blow the candles and bury them far from your house.

Ritual with black candles for your lover to divorce

If you are tired of being the mistress, and you believe that your love partner is holding you back on purpose, then you can do this ritual so that both of you hate each other and eventually divorce.

Light a white candle in a bottle and let it burn down while you pour the wax out, this serves to absorb negative energies so that the ritual is not directed at you. Then in a photo of your lover or a doll with his hair. draw a heart with red ink. Give him a kiss and then light two black candles.

Burn with the fire of the candles a piece of paper with the name of the spouse or her photo. She pours the ashes into the heart and sticks hot pins into it. To finish, blow out the candles and take a bath with cold water.

Ritual to cause losses to your enemies

Formerly this ritual caused natural disasters in the crops of the enemy kingdom, theft of material wealth, and even loss of life on the battlefield.

In a black iron cauldron, pour dirty water, valerian, sulfur, and wax from a black candle. Mix the ingredients with a silver dagger or scissors. Burn a scroll with your wish written in black ink and add the ashes to the potion. The putrid broth must touch your enemy to the skin or material possessions for it to take effect.

Black magic ritual to repel unwanted people

Caution ☠ this ritual is very powerful because it invokes the force of satan, as well as the 4 forces of nature above man.

Draw an inverted pentagram on a piece of paper, and on the point that points down, enclose the name of the person who is harassing you, harming you, or the name of an enemy you want to harm. Then light a black candle at each end and repeat: With the power of the devil I repel this being, he will get sick, suffer, or die if he comes near me.

When finished, get rid of everything you used in the ritual and light a white candle to absorb negative energies.

Ritual with black candles to protect from the evil eye

At midnight on a day Wednesdaytake a sack of salt and with it create a circle around the house, then walk slowly towards the center exact from the house, and in a ceramic or glass dish light 3 black candles. She closes her eyes and asks mentally to the moon for its protective mantle, for your home and your family. Stay silent for 7 minutes and then blow out the candles with your fingers.

Ritual with black candles to ward off bad energies

Ideal for cleaning our home negativitiesevil eye, envy and bad thoughts.

start drawing a circle with salt on the ground with you inside while you say out loud: «What is inside the circle is protected from any negative influence.» Place one white and one black candle in a support one next to the other.

  • When you light the black candle ask protection.
  • When you light the white candle ask that absorbs all negative energies.

Ritual with black candles to protect money

This ritual is recommended when you have done investments risky, or you are afraid someone might steal or take your money.

We will start by lighting 2 candles black with a coin between them, at the same time we will make a prayer in silence so that our money is protected and does not escape. We will wait 10 minutes and then we will turn the coin over, until the candle burns. consume. Spread the remains in an envelope yellow and keep it in your purse, wallet or piggy bank.

Products for rituals with black candles

If you already have everything ready to put into practice any of the rituals above and if you don’t know where to buy black candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

Please note that black candles do not absorb Energy but they transmit it, because in them is the power of all colors.

His main power is protectionbut it can also enhance the effects of other candles, essences and esoteric elements, these rituals are very powerful, and you must concentrate clearly what you ask for.

We hope you find them useful, do not hesitate to leave us your comments if you want to make a contribution about it. 🙂

Finally, we leave you with this video of a ritual with black candles to protect you from any ritual with magic black that they have been able to do to you and you find yourself under their spell.

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