If you’re having a bad streak economically, you need to get a job, you want a promotion or increase of salary, the rituals with esoteric candles will be of great help to better channel your energy towards your objectives labor.

Learn here the rituals with candles for the most effective and powerful work.

We recommend you get candles of good qualityand that the rest of the elements to be used are of origin natural and are previously purified.

Ritual to get a job with white, green and yellow candles

This is one of the rituals with candles to get work, simpler to do and quite effective.

take a bath for relax and get rid of bad energies. Then light a white candle in the middle of a green and a yellow candle. let it be consume two minutes and then turn on the others. Then she closes her eyes and visualize yourself being hired. After 11 minutes, he pours the wax of the green candle on your resume and burn it with the flame of the candle yellow.

Rituals with candles for job stability

if you’re having problems with your boss or co-workers, or if you think your job is in jeopardy for any reasonapply the following:

Light one square candle and one round candle, preferably white, blue, yellow or green. Write in black ink Nameyour job title and circle them as much as possible. perfect possible. Burn the paper with the flame of the round candle and step on the ashes with the square candle, let both burn for one night.

Ritual for a successful professional career

This spell suits newly graduatesor people who are about to start a new job.

At a desk where you usually do homework or jobs, place a glass plate. Light a white candle and a green candle next to it. Ask the saints to protect in your new ventures, and guide you for the development professional.

You can add laurel, coins, or bills to the surroundings, to also attract money. After an hour, she blows out the candles with her fingers.

Rituals with candles to get a new job or a promotion

in the moon of fourth crescent, light a candle next to a key from your worked (to ask for a promotion). Or a candle in form key (to ask for a new job). Out loud repeat: “The doors of new opportunities of work, the light of this candle guides me towards them…” Visualize your new Market Stall and blow out the candle with your fingers.

Ritual with blue candles to get a job fast

In a metal or glass tray, light 3 blue or square candles, in the center between them place a key, a piece of paper with the job you want to get, or the advertisement of said job in the newspaper. Mentally repeat «I won it» for 10 minutes. Then burn the paper with the nearest candle flame and bury the ashes near the roots of a large, leafy tree.

Ritual to get a well-paid job

Light a white candle on a transparent glass surface. Under the glass place a dollar bill with the pyramid facing up. Make a mental request to attract good job opportunities or get a raise. Extinguish the candle with a drop of water and keep the dollar folded in the shape of a triangle in your purse.

Spell to invoke good energies at work

On a Monday at the office or workplace, light a 7-color candle or 7 primary color candles + white. The energy provided by each color helps to stabilize the energy of all the people who work in the place in order to achieve harmony, optimization of work and concentration.

Use candles in the form of keys to open yourself to opportunities professionalsThe clover-shaped ones attract good fortune.

Scissor candles can help you break stress cycles or disconnect from toxic people who work with you. And the sails in the shape of a knot tie up the jobs.

Finally we leave you this video where we show another ritual to get a worked or stability in it if we are going through a difficult time.

Do you know any other ritual with candles to get a job? Please share it in the comment box to help someone else…. 🙂

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