Purple candles are directly related to the world spiritualtherefore its use in rituals is aimed at cleansing the spirit, connecting with people who have died, or strengthening a long-distance love union.

Other rituals with purple candlesviolets or lilacs, help meditation, spiritual growth, heal ailments due to stress or negative energies.

We leave you the best with our favorite rituals:

Ritual with purple candles to cleanse karma

on a night of Moon new, light 5 purple candles around you. In meditation position: close eyes and let your thoughts flow, if you start to wander, imagine the current of a river taking away your faults and regrets. When your thoughts are more harmonious and relaxed, blow out the candles and go to bed sleep. Repeat this ritual until there is a full moon.

Ritual with lilac candles to purify the home

in the dining room of the HouseLight as many lilac candles as there are people in the home. Among all the people who live in the home, hold hands by making a circle around the candles. Take a deep breath and evoke happy thoughts in that house. After 5 minutes, let each turn off a candle with your fingers.

Rituals with purple candle and lavender to open paths

If you feel stagnant in your life and you need to move forward but you don’t know how, practice this ritual so that your spirit synchronize with the energies of the universe.

turn on a violet candle in a container with salt, on a piece of paper write your name inside a triangle with the top point pointing north. Place the candle on top and light one twig of lavender just a little bit and blow it out quickly. Focus on the flame and see which way it points.

  • North: You need to focus on your personal development, it is recommended to socialize
  • South: You need to stabilize yourself, find a place of your own or move house.
  • East: Recommends you focus on your professional career.
  • West: Love in your life needs more priority. Get closer to your relatives.

Ritual with purple candles and eucalyptus for spiritual cleansing

Light a candle dwelling and places a eucalyptus branch around it. Leave it on for a full night in your bedroom. Repeat this ritual as many times as you think necessary or until sleep placidly.

Ritual to relieve stress and take care of the spine

Stress, envy, little reward laborsentimental or personal, accumulate around us in the form of energy negative causing physical ailments.

The candles purple help clean that energy, strengthen our spirit and relieve physical discomfort.

When you are completely alone and when nothing and no one can interrupt you, light two purple candles and give yourself a bath preferably in the bathtub, adding an infusion of linden in the water. When you leave, lie on your stomach on the bed and try to sleep or rest thoughts for at least 30 minutes.

Rituals with purple candles to meditate

Many people have trouble concentrating during meditation, the following rituals stabilize the mind and spiritual energy.

Before sitting down to meditate light 1 purple candle behind you, saying out loud, my spirit is calm, my spirit is at peace.

Another option is to place three purple candles around you forming a triangle, two should be aligned with your knee and the third behind your back. At the beginning of the meditation, mantras are repeated for mental peace.

Ritual with violet candles for concentration

At your work or study desk, light 3 violet candles on the left side. With your eyes closed, recite out loud: «My soul is calm, my mind is clear, may wisdom enter me…» Then extinguish one of the candles with your fingers and let the others burn out while you work or study. At the end of the day blow the last two candles.

Full Moon ritual and purple candles to sleep better

On a full moon night, light a purple candle on each side of your bed. Before going to sleep, spread drops of orange blossom infusion on the sheets and wet your forehead with it as well. Lie down to sleep naked, letting the candle burn out overnight. Repeat the ritual every time there is a full moon.

Are you ready to do your rituals with purple candles? 🙂

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