Brown candles undoubtedly remind us of the earth, trees, nature and precisely because of that memory it gives on flat surfaces, they are sails by and for stability.

They are used in rituals in which we want to hold firmly to something that we haveyes, in this case we don’t want to discard anything, we don’t want to attract anything but we want to keep.

So, if something goes well, for example, if a relationship is strong, if a job makes us happy or, in short, if we have a situation in which we feel happy, we can carry out a ritual with brown candles to wish it never ends.

Also remembering the earth and mother nature somehow, it is used in fertility rituals, it also has its meaning in the desire that the seed remains and flourishes within us.

Watch out!

If you are in a sensitive moment, do not use brown candles. It is a candle that also evokes old age and feelings of nostalgia, that is why it is not appropriate for moments of weakness, you must have the spirit strong.

Meaning of the color brown

Closely linked to the power of candles since it lies in the power of the color they carry, brown is the color of earththat’s why it means that we step on the earth, we settle on it and we stand firm.

Hence turning on the brown color is done to keep the ground we walk onregardless of the sphere of life to which we refer, both in the family to keep our nucleus intact, and in our sentimental relationships.

At work and in our studies it helps us to stand firm in our decisions and not waver in what we want.

Elements associated with brown

On this occasion more than ever, natural elements are important because it is about reinforcing with them the consolidation that on our energy makes the brown on the earth.

It is a way of giving strength and weight to our being being connected with its most sensitive side towards nature. For it the elements are as follows:

  • Stone : Onyx
  • Planet Jupiter
  • Day of the week: Thursday
  • Flowers: Honeysuckle
  • Time: Afternoon
  • Number 4

the onyx It is a very forceful stone, semi-precious and at the same time with a rough appearance, it is associated as an antidepressant due to the force that it seems to distill, which helps to contrast the sensitivity that brown produces.

Jupiter invites reflectionis a planet prone to intelligence, thought, coherence and that is why in this case it is very good to want to keep your feet on the ground when everything is going well and not do crazy things.

Thursday It is chosen because it is a serious day, where we remain aware of the problems of the week or the happiness that day to day brings us and if we are happy with our situation, it is time to make it stay.

honeysuckle It is a flower that is associated with the purity of the earth and hence its meaning in rituals with brown candles.

Rituals should always be done with meditation and the afternoons they are always more calm and appropriate to carry out a ritual, choose a moment in which you know that you will be calm or calm.

The number chosen in this case is the 4.

Video about the meaning of the brown candle

To continue delving into the meaning of this candle, consult the next video where a description of the utility that we can find in these candles is made:

Do not miss other colors of candles:

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!