Golden candles are the candles of success, their color is the color of money today, gold is inevitably reminiscent of goldgold and winning it is associated with success.

That is why the golden candles inevitably remind us of the desire to be successful at somethingto shine on the road as the Sun shines, which is undoubtedly also represented in this color.

The Sun has always been a star admired by many religions and in different areas of the planetfor this reason it has always had an important meaning among us, first of all because without it we could not live and second because its contribution at the energetic is essential.

Hence, it is derived that its color is reproduced in order to enhance the needs who needs them.

They are candles that are considered path openersContrary to other candles such as the purple ones that closed obstacles, the golden candles try to open and expand your being, your aura, your spirit, opening the necessary path to achieve everything.

It is the color that the Egyptian gods used in their clothes feeling gods, it is a flashy color And wearing a candle like this only makes sense if we want it to illuminate our future and our path to achieving the most absolute success. Synonym of value, power, abundance and leadership.

When to use a gold candle?

You have decided what you want to do with your life or what you want your future job to be, or you already have a job that you enjoy but want earn more money.

If what you need is a higher academic result than what you are having, definitely you want a better job, a promotion, better grades then the rituals that you are going to need are going to be all those related to the golden candles.

If you light a golden candle you are asking for your path to shine brighter.

Golden candle elements

In every ritual we need to rely on some elements with a special energy that support the power of our candles, from stones, to the influence of the planets or stars through the force of numbers or the day of the week.

In the case of golden candles, the elements that serve as support are the following:

  • Stone : Pyrite
  • Star: Sun
  • Day of the week: Thursday
  • Flowers: yellow rose
  • Time: Tomorrow
  • Number 4

Like stone pyrite is used, although sometimes amber is also used, with the stones we reinforce the energy that the color transmits and that is why we choose stones of that tonality. Pyrite is more appropriate than amber, but both are valid.

In this case we do not have a planet but the central star of our solar system neither more nor less, Sunwhich illuminates the rest of the planets, for our planet the existence of the Sun is absolutely vital and for this reason there is no greater expression of success than the Sun and its energy illuminating us.

Thursdays they are the day of success in business and that is why it is associated with a request for general success.

As for the flowers, although any yellow flower is very valid, the truth is that the yellow roses They take the leading role, providing good energy for everything related to power.

As for the time, it is best to do these rituals in the morning to be able to let the Sun illuminate our desires in broad daylight.

The chosen number is the four since it is a number associated with economic success according to white magic.

To finish we leave you with the rituals with golden candles that you can discover if you click on the previous link.

Buy golden candles

If you want to enjoy all the vibes that golden candles provide, below you will find a selection with the best found:

Video of the meaning of these candles

To know better and more visually the meaning of the golden candles we leave you a video that visually brings us closer to the meaning of these bright candles.

In short, the golden candles are the candles destined to ask for successwe just need to sit in front of them and make our wish with force while they are consumed so that they guide us and give us all their energy to achieve our goals of success.

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Last updated on 2022-09-05 / Affiliate Links / Affiliate API Images