Meaning of SILVER CANDLES | meaning of the candles

Silver candles represent reflection and spiritualityare the necessary candles to open paths full of hope and good decisions.

On the one hand, they have a capacity very close to the color blue, to that reflection color and of good decisions that is also related to this color, the reason is that it is a very spiritual color.

The silver color evokes the energy needed to connect with our innermost self, with what we most yearn for and want regardless of what is sometimes convenient.

The Egyptian gods believed that our bones were silver, and therefore the silver color is not unrelated to what our spirit it would have a silver color it would have a relationship with the inevitable mystic.

What does the color silver mean?

The silver color is related to the heavenly, the spiritual It is the color of the spirits, so for any invocation the color silver is appropriate.

But in addition to a ritual of connection with our spirits, it also places us in a favorable position to have the necessary energy to connect with our innermost self, with our soul.

In addition, the silver color evokes magnetism, the metals that magnetize with the strongest energies, therefore silver evokes attracting


Although silver is reminiscent of silver, they are not candles to attract money. There are people who do rituals to attract money and never get the desired effect. It is important to remember that we are facing spiritual and reflective candles and not material at all.

Elements that attract silver energy

As elements to use with the silver candles we are going to take into account above all the mysticism that these candles encompass and for this reason we will need to use elements that attract mystical energy.

  • Metal: Silver
  • Satellite: Moon
  • Day of the week: Tuesday
  • Flowers: Red Roses
  • Time: Tomorrow
  • Number 9
  • Planet Mars

Silver is the metal that attracts energy by its colorwe should not confuse the choice of this metal with the attraction of money, because as we have already warned, this color has nothing to do with it.

However, having the right color, silver channels mystical energy and reflection very well, as well as the magnetism and the attraction to good decisions.

The stellar element could not be other than the Moon which is the satellite of our planet and with its energy and depending on whether it is in a growing, full or waning phase, it drives one force or another.

Its color that looks grayish from our perspective is very appropriate for boost our rituals with silver candles.

Tuesday is the day chosen in white magic as it is the most appropriate day for invocationsboth spiritual and inner search that is what attracts the silver.

Red roses are the strongest flowersAlthough they do not have the color that gives off the energy we want, they do have the strength to support our ritual.

The best time to do this ritual is in the morning at sunrise when you can still see the shadow of the moon caressing the skyand we have the tranquility that we need and everything sleeps while we attract what is necessary.

The 9 is the number that is chosen for the repetitions for this ritual.

the planet is Marsthe reason is that this planet carries out the daydreams that we need to carry out our ritual.

As we can observe, the meaning in conclusion is to get connectedconnect the points of our decision, connect with our desires, even connect with the spirits that advise us and help us achieve our deepest desires.

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