The color pink has always been associated with women, although today in the 21st century we see pink as a color for everyone, the truth is that inevitably It has feminine values.

As outstanding female values, we find loyalty, fidelity, balance, temperance, Precisely as a general rule, women know how to control their instincts better than men, of course speaking in general terms.

Today there are as many sentimentally balanced men as there are women, but normally a woman knows how to balance her actions better, she is more restrained and less impulsive and pink represents that calm so necessary in love

Therefore, pink brings us stabilityif we want a friendship to be lasting, that the problems with our family be fixed and the situation return to normal, if we want a partner for life, pink is an appropriate color.

The pink candles will be the ones that go hand in hand with all these wishes in such a way that when we want stability in our relationships a pink candle lit with the corresponding ritual will be of absolute help.

Pink colored symbols

It is important to know the stones, the flowers, the symbols or the days that are related to the color you have chosen for your candle because when you do the appropriate ritual you will have to know the elements that will help everything to take effect.

They are normally used earth elements or spiritual elements To make our wishes come true, we always consider the day we are in, the state of the Moon, which is a powerful channel, the goddess that imprints strength, the stones that grant the strength of the Earth.

  • Stone : Rose quartz
  • Planet: Venus
  • Goddess: Aphrodite
  • Day of the week: Friday
  • Flowers: Pink or Lilac
  • Copper metal
  • Time: Afternoon

Let’s go for points rose quartz It has a light pink hue, it is the same red distilled with white that we talk about in the pink candles and therefore it exudes the same sweetness and the same peace that is needed for the wishes of stability in love.

the planet venus it is the planet of love, it always brings enough inspiration to everything that is based on letting go in a spiritual way, on finding the necessary harmony to create something good, be it works of art or love relationships.

Aphroditeas everyone knows, is the goddess of love and although she also accompanies red passion and passionate relationships that begin and flourish, she is also a companion of stability in love, because she is always a producer of love.

On Friday It is the day that is associated with the influence of Venus and therefore it is the best day for the effect of the planet’s influence to take effect.

As for the flowers, we could not use anything other than roses, especially if they are pink roses the success is even greater, it is about deploying the color in all its essences to attract all its energy.

Although also the lilacs They can help us make the energy positive for our purposes with pink candles.

If you still want to know more about the powers of pink candles, don’t miss the rituals with pink candles that you can do and its incredible results.

Buy pink candles

If you want to enjoy all the vibes that pink candles provide, below you will find a selection with the best found:

Video about the meaning of pink candles

In this video explanatory you will find a description of what the pink candle means, where it comes from, what energies and properties it has so that you can use it for your rituals.

Thanks to this post, we hope it has helped you improve your love relationship that worries you so much and recover that lost energy.

Other interesting candle colors:

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!

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