Meaning: Purity

white candles in general are the most used candles Whether it is to celebrate a romantic night, of course it is the color that predominates in churches and let alone if the power goes out at home, that will surely be the candle that you light, the white candle.

And it is that who does not have this color of candle in his house, no matter the shape and size, surely they are stored there in a drawer waiting for his moment of glory.

Moment that can be any of those that we have commented before or also for the celebration of rites, spells, spells, candle reading… and that is where we are going to enter our explanation of this post

in telling you what is the meaning of white candles so you know exactly when you have to use them and for what.

Take good note of what we are going to tell you next!

What are white candles used for?

The first thing you have to know is that white candles are related to purity, the divine and immaculate.

So much so that white candles are the ones that are usually used in rituals to purify and cleanse sites, attract harmony to the place and positive energies; protecting us and our home from bad omens and negative energies that they may want to transmit to us.

White candles also at the level of the person help you achieve a series of pure and honest qualities and virtuessuch as: truth and sincerity, hope, innocence and simplicity and of course to achieve pure and total love.

Let’s go! That after what we have just told you, you already have a clearer idea of ​​what the meaning of lighting a white candle in your home: purify and protect the environment from bad energies.

And it is that every time you light a white candle (remember, always with a match) you are opening a mystical door to peace, tranquility and relaxation of both your spirit and that of your home.

Other meanings of burning white candles

The main meaning of burning white candles, as we have told you, is to purify the place and the person.

But what you surely did not know is that the white candle is also called «divine providence», hence in some religious places a white candle is lit every first day of the month as a sign of thanks for the days that are to come. to come.

Light a white candle too aids in creativity and imagination.

The fact of lighting a white candle also means that we are strengthening our family ties and relationships.

It is used in many rituals, even to replace candles of another color; because the white candle is considered a neutral candle because the rest of the colors start from it.

The white candle is closely related to everything religious, hence it is used at weddings, communions and baptisms, where the people who carry them are considered to be pure.

What is the white candle for?

The white candle is used for many things, some of them we have already told you about; That is why we would like to share with you some simple rituals where white candles are necessary.

But before continuing we will tell you a little detail about the white candle, and it is that it is related to the moon and Monday, hence there is some other spell, spell or ritual that requires or that you do it on Monday and/or or with a full moon to have a greater and faster effect.

You also have to know that the white candle serves to cleanse and purify your aura of all negative energies, so it is very good and recommended that you light a white candle with some regularity, if you do not do it every day.

Buy white candles

If you want to enjoy all the vibes that white candles provide, below you will find a selection with the best found:

Video about white candles and their meaning

To close the post, we leave you with this video where you will be able to learn a little more about white candles and their meaning. Do not miss it!

You see that white candles help us achieve the positive and good, achieving the peace and tranquility that is so longed for.

Use white candles wisely and always for your own good and that of others, so if you want to learn the rituals with white candles that can be done, do not hesitate and click on the link.

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!

Last updated on 2022-09-05 / Affiliate Links / Affiliate API Images