Black candles are associated with the bad and the negative, but you will be surprised to know that black candles also have an affirmative meaning and that they can attract beneficial and positive energies and be used in white magic rituals.

Did you know?…

Of course, whenever a black candle is used, it must be accompanied by a white candle. But we will talk about this a little later.

Like almost everything in this life, the meaning will vary and will depend on the hands in which they fall and the intentions of the person in question when using the black candles.

So without further delay we are going to tell you everything about black candles and we will leave the use you want to give them to you.

But remember, if you wish someone bad, it is likely that it will come back to you for two thanks to karma.

So if I were you I would think twice and spend my efforts looking for something good and positive for me and mine.

Common meanings of black candles

We could say that there are two antonymous meanings for black candles, the most popular is related to everything bad, negative energies, the occult, mourning and death, the forbidden, the night and darkness, that is the meaning of black candles in witchcraft.

But as we already told you, the black candle has the connotation of absorbing the negative energies that they want to transmit to us.

In fact the black candle is used together with the white candle to remove the evil eyeenvy, negativity…

And you might think that the meaning of black candles on a grave could be that of show the way through the shadows and the dark times.

Of course, there is always the question of whether they have performed some kind of ritual or witchcraft… when in doubt, better protect yourself, precisely by lighting a black candle next to a white candle.

Meaning of black candles when burning

Burning black candles are collecting all the negative energy and eliminating it, in addition to helping us make our way through the darkness.

But you also have to observe how is the flamehow and where the wax falls and of course the shape that remains once the candle has been completely consumed, because from each of these parts, so to speak, it will be leaving us a message.

To interpret each and every one of these messages you can read our post “the meaning of candles when they are consumed” where you will find all the answers.

What is the black candle for?

As we have already mentioned the black candle is used together with the white candle to eliminate the evil eye and envy; and also to cleanse the home of bad vibrations and negative energies.

So if you consider it appropriate, use the black candle for protection, because as we have been saying, it will absorb all the negative that they have wanted to transmit to you.

You could also use a gray candle instead of both the black and white candles.

You are also interested in knowing that the best time to use the black candle when you go to perform a cleaning or other ritual is the first hours of the morning.

the black candle it also serves to distance and separate someone on our side that we consider does us more good than harm by continuing in your company.

So if you want to leave someone and you don’t know very well how to do it, light a black candle next to a yellow candle or an orange candle.

Black candles have always been a symbol of pain and darkness, however there are all kinds of rituals with black candles that can be done, if you want to discover them, click on the previous link.

Buy black candles

If you want to enjoy all the vibes that black candles provide, below you will find a selection with the best found:

Video of the meaning of black candles

You like the post? We hope that if, for this reason, we leave you with this video where you will find more information about the meaning of black candles and you will be able to know a little more about the power of these candles.


We hope you stop fearing black candles, because as we have told you they have their positive side. Use them wisely!

Learn all about candle colors:

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Last updated on 2022-09-05 / Affiliate Links / Affiliate API Images