Meaning: Calm and Reflection

How do you know the color blue It is generally related to the calm and reflection; but in candles, this blue color also has many other meanings and powers that you can invoke to help you at certain times and situations.

Of course, the powers and invocations that we tell you here are related to white magic, although even so, we advise you to be responsible with the use that you are going to give to this powerful blue candle.

Let’s start!

What do the blue candles mean?

The blue candle means calm, serenity, relaxation… it helps in concentration and meditation.

Although it must be taken into account that the meaning of the color of blue candles varies according to the intensity of the blue, for example the sky blue candlewhich is light blue, is related to justice, with the improvement of memory, inspiration…

While the meaning of dark blue candle is related to negative bad vibes, sadness, reluctance, depression…

So when lighting a blue candle be careful with the color you light because you will be invoking very different and contrary emotions and powers.

Taking into account the detail that we have just mentioned, we will rule out lighting a dark blue candle as far as possible.

Meaning of lighting blue candles

After having seen roughly what the blue candles mean, we are going to detail below a little more what their meaning is when they light up and the mystical forces that we are invoking.

As we have already mentioned, the blue candle is related to the serenityhence when this candle is lit at home you are invoking sincerity, hope, faith, love and fidelity.

Did you know…?

The blue candle is ideal to be lit after having an argument with someone, as it will facilitate reconciliation between both people.

By lighting a blue candle you will also be invoking patience and diplomacy and they have the quality of increase understanding. Hence the fights we told you about.

They are also ideal for business and studies. Light a blue candle and you will be reinforcing perseverance and concentration.

What is the blue candle for?

In addition to being able to use the blue candle, remember that they do not have to be dark blue, for everything that we have mentioned before.

You can also use the blue candle to perform home cleaning rituals, eliminating envy, the evil eye… and it is that the blue candle drives away enemies and bad energies.

And then we are going to explain a series of simple rituals that you can perform with blue candles.

Take note!

Buy blue candles

If you want to enjoy all the vibes that blue candles provide, below you will find a selection with the best found:

Video meaning of blue candles

If you still want to learn more about blue candles and their meaning, we leave you with this video where a ritual with blue candles is analyzed and performed.

You have already seen what the blue candle is for, now you just need to put it into practice, if only to light it and relax.

Use them wisely!

Do not miss more candle colors:

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Last updated on 2022-09-05 / Affiliate Links / Affiliate API Images