All about the art of palmistry

You have found our blog! We understand that you love the world of the esoteric and the occult sciences. The theme of the palmistry sure you will fall in love! This ancient art consists of palm reading for predict the future. You should not confuse it with chirology, which we will also explain to you. The word I want means «hand» mancia means «divination». This technique has been used since ancient times to guess the future reading the hand lines or stripes. The hand lines they are an exciting topic. Did you know that they begin to form even from the eighth week of gestation?

What is the difference with the chirology? Although they are similar arts, they are not the same! We speak of chirology when palm reading focuses on revealing the psychological and physiological profile of the person. In this case the observation of the future is not taken into account.

Which of the two hands should be read in palmistry? The clairvoyant or palmistry will usually read you the left, because this is the one that connects with the heart. However, we usually have a dominant or active hand (the one we use to write) that reflects our personality. And another passive, which reflects the past and our potentials. For this reason it is interesting to read both hands. This way you will know the aspects of your active and passive parts.

Ideally, it should be a seer either fortune teller expert who will do the reading for you. They have the knowledge to give you a better interpretation. Even so, we are going to explain some basic things.

The main lines of the hands in Palmistry

You have to know that in the palm from your hand there are infinity of lines and mountains that speak of your future and your personality. Some examples are the Line of the Heart, the Line of Saturn or the Line of the Children. Even the planets have their representation in hand. At various points in your hand are Venus, Mars, the Sun, etc. The hand is closely related to astrology. For a complete and professional reading, the ideal is that you go to a seer with experience in palmistry. However, if you are already curious, we will explain some reading secrets of the three main lines: Line of life, head line Y heart line.

Line of life

The Line of life is the one that is between index and thumb and down to the bottom of the palm. Pay attention to the strength and length of this line and refer to the list below:

  • Sharp and clear: predicts a long life and that you are strong in the face of problems.
  • Clear and sharp but short: you will enjoy good health but your life may be short.
  • Long but weak: implies that you are vulnerable to disease.
  • Wide and clear: represents an impressionable personality.
  • Chained, blurred or barely visible: indicates a life of setbacks and with many moments of indecision.

head line

The head line you will easily identify it in the middle of the hand. Start next to the Line of Life and cross your hand from left to right. is related to you mind and you intelligence. Compare it to this list:

  • If the end is near your little finger, you have great intelligence potential.
  • When this line is strong and well drawn, it means that you have a good memory and are good at putting your ideas into practice. When it reaches the middle finger, it means that you have concerns about the practical side of life.
  • If it’s blurry or missing, you may not be using your full intellectual potential.
  • If it is a straight line, it means that you are someone realistic and practical. You are conservative and you do not like new things too much.
  • If it has the sharp end towards the wrist, it implies a dreamy personality.

heart line

The heart line is the upper cross. You will see them start under the little fingerinclined towards the doll. It is the line of love, affection and feelings. See how yours is and look for its meaning in the list below:

  • Long and deep: for you the rational mind and emotions are in balance.
  • Forked at the extreme: you are dominated by a sense of balance, common sense and physical passion.
  • Straight: means that your personality is sensitive and spiritual.
  • Curve pointing up: you have great sensitivity to physical and instinctive stimuli.
  • Curve pointing towards the life lines and the head: your heart is in conflict with your mind.

Benefits of palm reading

The palmistry It helps you understand yourself better, preparing you mentally to react to possible events in the future. Besides, the chirology It allows you to discover things about yourself that you did not know. Knowing what the hidden secrets of your personality are will help you on your way through life. Use that knowledge to choose your profession, your ideal partner or your friendships. You will also understand why you have difficulties in some things. Try a full palm reading!