Learn how to tie a man to you

Men sometimes seem to have accentuated the most basic senses and there is nothing that distracts them more than having intimate relationships. This animal instinct is something that we love to see, but it is also the main cause of infidelity. if you find out how to tie a man to youyou will not have this problem.

We want to teach you, for fear of these spells, how to take advantage of those basic senses of men and use them in your favor.

There are different processes that you can carry out if you want to sexually tie your man. With these methods that we are going to show you, that man you love will burn with desire exclusively for you in such a way that a future infidelity will not arise. Keeping your man is very simple.

In addition, for these spells that we are going to explain to you, you do not even need to buy any ingredients, since you probably already have everything you need at home. Are you ready to discover how to tie a man to you and that you are the only one who goes through his mind?

Learn how to tie a man to you

Materials to tie a man to you

The materials What you need for this spell are, first of all, a completely white sheet of paper and a red pen. In addition to this, you just have to get a ceramic bowl, cinnamon and sugar. The procedure consists of taking the ceramic bowl and filling it with water.

It is important that the material from which the bowl is made be effectively and only ceramic. In the water, you will have to add the sugar first. Next, you will have to take the paper and put cinnamon on top.

After having put the cinnamon, write your full name three times, with surnames included. When you have written them, add this sentence below: Cupiditas Nunquam Satialis Est. After have written that sentencefold the paper with the cinnamon, and put it inside the ceramic bowl with water and the rest of the ingredients.

All you have to do is put everything under your bed and then have your man in it next to you. This sexual mooring is very powerful and very soon you will see how you cannot get rid of it. The results are immediate.

wish spell

Another very powerful spell to know how to tie a man to you and make him want you desperately is the aphrodisiac sex spell, which we are going to show you just below. This potion serves both to attract your stable partner more and make that branch revive and you live moments of passion, as well as to sexually tie to you any other man other than the one you ardently desire or the one you secretly love.

Although, in addition to putting vehemence and will, the following Friday that there is a full moon you must prepare the sexual encounter with the man you want to tie up.

For this spell you will also need Various materials. The first of them is a set of six drops of cinnamon and another of thirty of ylang ylang essence. In addition, you will have to prepare two tablespoons of alcohol that has 96 degrees and fifteen drops of tangerine essence. You will also need a bottle, which is important to be made of glass, and a red candle. Choose the largest candle you can get.

The procedure is very simple. You will only have to mix all the ingredients that we have told you and add them to the inside of the glass bottle. When you have done it, make sure to cover it well and leave it for a period of ten to fifteen days in a dark place where it can be kept cool.

When those days have passed, we recommend that you use a bottle for perfumes and strain this mixture using demineralized water. Once you have done it, it will be completely ready your aphrodisiac spell. The only thing left for you to do, as we have indicated, is to prepare the sexual encounter with the man you want to tie up the following Friday when there is a full moon.

reach sexual encounter

Do you know how you can prepare that sexual encounter? Whether in your house or in a hotel, it should not be in theirs. The reason is that you have to go in advance to spray the bed with this spell and add a little of that perfume to you too. Once the man you want to tie up sexually arrives, light the red candle next to the bed. He will already be trapped and the desire for you will be unstoppable, he will drive him crazy.

Looking for love is not easy and even many human beings never get to know it. Therefore, when we feel that true love has arrived, it is normal to want learn how to tie a man to you. If you want to always feel like the luckiest person in the world to have your man by your side, you can overcome the fear of infidelity or of him leaving with these potions.

Fear is a negative energy that charges any relationship and once you have it, it is very difficult to drive away. In this way, you will ensure that he never leaves your side.