Cross of Caravaca: Origin and Attributes

The caravaca cross It is both a Christian symbol and a talisman with great power to protect those considered to be the oldest (it is around 800 years old). It is likely that you have heard of it and even that you have one at home or that you wear it every day, but do you know where it comes from and what it is used for?

Origin of the Caravaca cross

This cross is part of a historical, cultural and magical legacy and is venerated throughout the world for belonging to the original cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

It is kept in a reliquary case that is kept in Caravaca de la Cruz, in Murcia, where it appeared in the year 1232.

It is said that the Muslim king Zayd Abu Zayd he asked a priest he was holding prisoner to show him what he did for a living. When they prepared an altar for him so that he could learn what a mass was, the priest himself let him know that an indispensable element was missing: the Holy Cross. It was at that moment that two angels carrying the caravaca cross They entered and placed her on the altar. After witnessing this, the Muslim king and all who were there had no choice but to believe and convert to Christianity.

Appearance of this cross

The most striking of caravaca cross is that it has four arms, whose measurements are different, and two angels holding it by the base.

The upper horizontal arm, at 7 centimeters, is smaller than the lower one, at 10 centimeters. His vertical arm, however, measures about 17 centimeters. On the other hand, the angels that are usually represented on its base are not angels, but archangels. Usually they are Saint Gabriel and Saint Michaelwhich were the ones who carried the cross in the legend that we have mentioned before.

Finally, in the middle of the cross, as in many others, Jesus Christ appears crucified.

And what does this represent? this cross symbolizes the essence of the human being, represented by the earth (horizontal like the four arms of the cross) and its spiritual part (represented by the vertical arm). Iconographically, it shows how we are destined to rise through learning, until we reach that spirituality and that balance that we all yearn for.

How the Caravaca cross helps

In addition to being a religious symbol, this cross is attributed certain miraculous and even magical powers. This is why many people tend to wear it in the form of a necklace, a bracelet or a pin on their clothes. In this way, they seek to protect themselves from malignant manifestations and any other type of evil.

When carried, this cross manages to undo any type of spell or enchantment that another person wants to do to you and return it immediately. In essence, what it does is protect the person who wears it and return bad energies to where they came from.

On the other hand, there is another power that this cross has and that is related to the archangels that it has at its base: Saint Gabriel and Saint Michael. Is used for ask these two archangels for help against evil entities and negative energies. In addition, it can be used to improve communication, both with yourself and with the rest of the world.

Of course, it is important to emphasize that, in order to begin to take advantage of this great power of the caravaca crossit is necessary to activate it with a very specific ritual.

Ritual of preparation of this cross

To get started, you’ll need clean this amulet in a very specific way: submerging it in a transparent glass cup filled with clean water with sea salt. Subsequently, you caravaca cross should be blessed by a priest so you can use it as protection, whether you want to protect your home or yourself.

Once you have done this, you should say a very specific sentence in which you ask the cross to drive away all evil, protect you and guide you. To finish, you will have to place your amulet next to the light of a white candle. The next day, she will be ready to begin her protection work.

Finally, it is necessary to mention that there are some people who have the Caravaca cross marked on the palate lines. This symbol is usually related to mediums or people especially sensitive to any paranormal element. These people have a great facility for the arts such as cartomancy or palmistry, and become very good clairvoyants and tarot readers. They will be those people you can turn to when you have some type of problem or a situation that you do not know very well how to solve and who, with their vision, will help you choose the right path.


The Cross of Caravaca has a curious legend and is preserved in the Murcian town of the same name. Regardless of legends, it is a fact that it is used as protection, an amulet or targeting the requests of millions of people.

The two angels that appear in the iconography give it a more esoteric meaning that mixes with that of the Catholic religion.

Many wonder what the Cruz de Caravaca is for and if its use is related to protection against the evil eye. This cross has a magical symbol that is mixed with the religious.

Supposedly it contains a relic of the original cross where Jesus Christ was crucified and this was carried by two angels from Jerusalem to the Murcian town.

Whether it is a legend born of the collective imagination of the time or whether the story is true, the fact is that the cross is revered and welcomed as a symbol of protection against evil and help throughout the world.

It is also used in rituals where the cross is placed to ask for heavenly help and to serve as a catalyst for positive energies in the rites.

In Spain and Latin countries it is very common to wear it around the neck and magical and miraculous powers are attributed to it.

Aesthetically, the two angels that accompany it make it a somewhat peculiar representation of the cross of Christ, and iconographically it represents God and his angels in a single symbol.

Ideally, the Caravaca cross that we carry is blessed. If we don’t have a chance that a priest doesn’t bless it, we can go to church and immerse it in holy water.

As a prayer of protection we can pray to the cross. To do this we will take the cross with our hand while we pray the following prayer:

Holy Cross of Caravaca!

I take refuge in your power,

For my Lawyer I choose you,

And if your strength takes me out

Of the sorrow that attacks me today,

I bring you in pain and sign

Frankincense, myrrh and copal,

And with a clean and pure soul

a small figure

Of my person in metal.

blessed and sovereign cross

What works so many wonders,

I praise you in simple sentences

Every day of the week;

My praise is never in vain

Well, there is no doubt,

That your strength shields the world

And who, surrendered, names you,

You cover it with the shadow

Of your mighty help.

Practical use of the Cross of Caravaca

The cross serves to protect ourselves, ask for help in our problems and as a symbol of God and his Angels.

We use it as an amulet, either carried in our pocket or hung around the neck. It is also used as a cross for the wall is a larger size.

We pray to her and ask for help and some miracle, but mainly that we protect from the evil eye and hexes.

When we pray to the Caravaca cross, we are not only praying to God, but we are praying alongside good and the angels that carry it.