How to play tarot cards to yourself

On many occasions, life puts you at a crossroads from which you do not know how to get out or a situation in which you are not sure what decision to make. In these cases, you often turn to clairvoyance to have useful information to help guide you. How to play tarot cards to yourself may be one of the questions that come to mind in this situation. The practice and deep knowledge of the arcana will provide you with the necessary ability to be able to know your past, your present and your future.

In any case, it is logical that at the beginning you make mistakes, due to inexperience in the field of tarot. In those cases, it is best to get in touch with seers and tarot readers who will help you on your path to knowledge. On our website you will find the best in Spain, who through a simple call will provide you with the wisdom you need to make the right decision and continue your life.

It is a secure, economical and confidential way of contact seers who are characterized by close treatment and fast and reliable results.

How to play tarot cards to yourself

What do you need to play the tarot cards?

The tarot was born in the fourteenth century inspired by the traditional deck of cards. Over the years it becomes popular in the upper classes of society and its use becomes habitual. In the mid-nineteenth century, the occultist Arthur Edward Waite created and designed the deck of tarot cards that we know today in its most traditional form and that receives the name of Tarot Rider Waite. You can get this deck to play the cards to yourself, although it is not strictly necessary.

There are dozens of versions with different designs. The most advisable thing is that when you go to acquire yours you can see several, touch their cards and feel them. You will know what your deck is through the sensations it provokes in you, the connection that is established. This is a very important point to be able to interpret them correctly later.

Before starting to make the first runs it is very important that you know perfectly what meaning each of the arcana has. These are divided into 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. Knowing them in detail will allow you to make much more accurate predictions.

It is also vital that your mind is relaxed at the time of making the rolls. We recommend that you do relaxation exercises a few minutes before. In this way, your mind will be open to all kinds of interpretations and connections with the cards and the meaning of their arcana.

Each of the tarot spreads to oneself can consist of several cards, until reaching the one known as the Celtic cross. This is the most complex spread of all, since it consists of a total of 10 cards that are arranged in a specific order. Each of them responds to a question of life. In order to properly interpret a spread of this caliber, a lot of experience is necessary, so we suggest that you start by making spreads of a single card. The position in which it comes out will also be decisive to find out its meaning (face up or face down).

Common mistakes when making card spreads for the same

Do not resort to throwing the tarot at yourself in moments of tension or when you are upset by a conflict. It may be that an issue that seriously affects your life makes you consider doing a quick card spread. Make sure your mind is relaxed despite the situation, otherwise you will not be making a correct prediction.

On the other hand, as we said, It is very important that the tarot deck you have chosen and you are in complete harmony. Only in this way will you be able to interpret it correctly, without a hint of doubt. Positive energy should flow through your hands the moment you touch that deck. Only then will you know that it is the right one for you.

Asking long or vague questions is another of the most common mistakes in the world of tarot learning. It is very important to be clear and concise in the questions that are raised in the letters. Lots of short questions, with a specific spread for each one is the key.

Finally, remember that you are learning and that it is a long process that begins now and will continue throughout your life. Start by throwing one card and increasing the number of cards per roll as you feel ready to interpret them in relation to others.

Although now you know how to deal tarot cards to yourself, remember that the visionaries on our website will always provide you with a wide and sincere vision of what is about to happen to you. Discover everything he tarot can contribute to your life!