Onomancy and the interpretation of names

Have you ever thought that your name somehow defines your personality? Do you think it can influence your destiny and mark your future? If you are convinced of it, perhaps you can find answers through the onomancy. It is a divinatory technique by which the future of a person is predicted by interpreting his or her own name.

This procedure makes it possible discover the energy of those who submit to it and know what is going to happen to him by analyzing the first letter or the initials of his name. This ritual also takes into account the number of characters that compose it. Of ancient origin, the superstitious art of predicting what will happen to someone by their name has been around for years in many cultureseven to this day.

Onomancy and the interpretation of names

The origins of onomancy

The ancient esoteric technique of onomancy goes back to the times of Pythagoras, who lived between 569 and 475 BC. The considered first pure mathematician in history and his disciples defended that virtues such as talent, creativity or ingenuity, courage and even the fate of a person were written in his name. In those ancient Greek times, many fortune tellers predicted some important events based on this premonitory art.

You will surely know the history of Achilles and his victory against Hector. Well, there were those who anticipated that this would be so because his name was superior to that of his rival in terms of length. The onomantia (in modern Latin) is a pagan belief that has survived throughout history. Did you know that the count Alessandro diCagliostro (1743-1795) launched some prophecies related to some events of the French Revolution from the name of some protagonists involved in them? Between one historical fact and another there is a difference of more than 2000 years.

Different types of onomancy according to your name

Studying our name to find out through its letters what kind of energy we possess is an art, therefore, that contains a long history and deep mysticism. Actually, you can do it in different ways, since the same technique has various forms of interpretation. One of them is the one based on the language from which the name comes from. Not all languages ​​use the same characters, an aspect that is key.

This analysis may take a long time, since not only the initial is used, but the rest of the letters are also key. Some tables interpret a name, converting these other letters into numerical factors, with which relatively complex formulas are made. Therefore, to obtain a reliable result, trust our professional clairvoyants, experts in this esoteric art.

The two basic rules of onomancy

The onomancy It is based on two basic rules that, however, many of those who practice it have warned that they are unfounded and, when they occur, it is by pure chance:

  • The first one points to the fact that if the name has a even number of vowelsthe person has something wrong on their left side.
  • The second indicates that, on the contrary, if said name has a odd number of vowelsthe negative resides on the right side.

Relationship between onomancy and numerology

This technique has a close relationship with numerology, to which it is linked. Thus, for example, in this other pseudoscience a numerical value is assigned to each letter of the name and surnames to discover the inside of a person. From her motivations and goals, conscious and unconscious, to the way she is seen by others.

onomancy and numerology reduce the result to a single digit, from 1 to 9, unless it is a master number, which are 11, 22, 33 and 44; the latter are related to an important content and contain great wisdom. Each value associates a person with a series of characteristics and it can bring misfortunes and competitions or glimpse a path of success and splendor.

Onomancy today

magic related to kabbalistic thought continues to exert a great influence today, especially in some parts of Asia and Europe. Did you know that there are many people who resort to it to choose the name of their children or even the one they are going to use for their company or business?

The onomancy ensures that the name is not something random, but that it comes from an arcane principle. Something that explains, for example, the origin of the patronymy, which consists of choosing the same name as the father or one derived from a male ancestor. Do you want to know what fate has in store for you? Call us and our visionaries will solve your doubts by analyzing your name. We offer a professional service that you can pay securely by credit card or through an additional rate line.