What does it mean to dream of deceased relatives

Dream of dead relatives It can become a traumatic experience, as it reminds you of that person you have lost and you relive the pain of not having them near you. But these types of dreams have a reason for occurring, a reason. We explain which one.

Experts in the human mind affirm that dreams are a representation of how you feel, it is your subconscious manifesting while you are resting, in addition to reflecting your mental and physical state. But, on other planes, they are a manifestation of messages from beyond. The reason for dream of deceased relatives it may be the delivery of a message or a warning from beyond.

Have you ever wondered if these types of dreams are a warning from another plane to prevent you from making mistakes or avoiding any problems in the future?

The meaning of dreaming of deceased relatives

From a psychological point of viewdreaming of deceased relatives is a sign of depression or feelings of guilt. Psychologists think it’s you Psyche trying to contact you, as part of the process of personal growth or as an obstacle to that growth. It may be that you are stuck in a particular situation and manifest it in your dreams. These types of appearances can be a reflection of your personality, and how you behave in life.

The relationship you had with the person who appears to you is also very important. If the one who appears to you is your mother or your grandmother, it means that love and protection They are still two factors that you need in your life. But if the link you had with this person was complicityis that your subconscious is reflecting the support for what do you need, or pending issues that you still have with that person who left. But it could be something as simple as you still haven’t gotten over losing her.

Dreaming of deceased relatives it’s quite something usual, according to experts, and a negative message can reflect your fears, your thoughts and concerns that come from within. Your emotional state is what leads you to dream of loved ones.

Although this may be a plausible explanation, the books that explain the interpretation of dreams do not pay the attention that the dream world deserves, and the reality is that having these types of revelations is an indication that someone from beyond is watching us. delivering a message.

The visit of loved ones in dreams is not scientifically proven, but that is not a reason why it cannot happen. There are hundreds of people who have had dreams of this nature and they show that it is something that happens and that the experience is real. Psychically, beings in the afterlife communicate with the living through dreams because it is much easier for them.

Depending on the relative you dream about, the meaning of the dream is different.

Dream about your deceased parents

If during the dream state you dream of the death of your parents, is that positive changes are approaching in your day to day. If, on the other hand, you talk to your deceased parents, what it portends is bad news, it can even mean that someone close to you is going to die, either due to health reasons or by accident.

dream of your dead sister

If you sister He recently passed away and appears to you in dreams, it means that you have recently lost a love, that you must overcome that loss and move on with your life.

Dream about your deceased wife

This case does not have a dreamlike meaning, simply that you should try to get over the loss the best you can and face your day to day assuming that he is no longer with you.

Dream of deceased children

These types of dreams are very painful, apart from bringing very bad news. dream of a dead child can mean loss or ruin both personally and professionally. It is related to anguish, pain, sadness and bad news, but in no case does it mean that one of your offspring is going to die soon.

If who you dream of is one dead daughteris that you are going to suffer some accident with a family member or friend.

death in dreams

In general, dreaming of deceased relatives or directly with death means that You have lost something that you loved very much and that you will not be able to recover it, or that you want to finish something that hurts or saddens you. But dream of deceased relatives it’s much sadder because it makes you relive the moment. It is painful but sometimes necessary.