What is the strongest sign of the zodiac

If you are passionate about horoscopes, surely you have ever wondered what is the strongest sign of the zodiac. It is an attractive question. However, the concept of strength can be interpreted in different ways, so there is no single answer. It depends, above all, on the interpretation and scale applied.

We want to bring you closer to the subject and show you some of the most used criteria to evaluate this trait in the zodiac. With them you can better interpret what your sign is likewhat potential it has and how to get the most out of it.

Also remember that on our website we have brought together the best tarot readers and astrologers in Spain, who will answer all your questions if you decide to call them.

What is the strongest sign of the zodiac

Mars, a powerful influence

The location of the planet Mars at the time of birth is, according to many specialists, the fundamental trait in the strength of a zodiac sign. To determine what is the strongest sign of the zodiac they look at him because in ancient times, linked to Ares, he was the god of war.

Also, it has always been linked to physical energy and sexual vigor. Consequently, these attributes are associated with people born under his rule. According to this criterion, Aries and Scorpio would be the strongest. Capricorn, on the other hand, would benefit from his influence, while Leo would draw character traits from this planet.

You can check. In general, people who have these zodiac signs tend to have a lot of energy, great initiatives, while face intense efforts and great challenges.

Zodiacal strength according to the elements

would you like to meet what is the strongest sign of the zodiac according to the element that rules them? This analysis, without a doubt, will be as revealing as it is attractive:

  1. Fire. Sagittarius lead this ranking because they always dominate their head, they know how to control their emotions and face the negative with a fighting attitude. In addition, they manage to defend their positions with tenacity and toughness. Interestingly, the Leo they seem to be very strong, because they try to give that impression. However, since they are highly dependent on the environment and circumstances, they lose their ability. The dependency of Aries of their impulses and their habitual loss of emotional control places them in last place among the fire signs.
  2. Air. A Aquarium he never gives up, no matter how many difficulties he faces. He is also not afraid of change, which gives his character an impressive strength. For his part, the Pound they have everything to be strong, except for one character trait that greatly weakens them: the tendency to leave everything for last. Therefore, they lose energy and do not usually complete what they set out to do. As for the Geminialways so creative, often run into their dispersion and imagination as a brake on the strength of their character.
  3. Water. Did you know Pisces is, for many specialists, the strongest sign of the horoscope? Their capacity for endurance, their patience to await outcomes without despairing, and the way in which they manage to refuel their illusions are, of course, great attributes. The scorpioFor their part, they have traits of strength derived from Mars, although they tend to accumulate their emotions for a long time, so they tend to end up weakening from within. The sensitivity of Cancerand their need for continued moral support, make them quite vulnerable.
  4. Land. If you’re CapricornYou are perfectly clear about what you want and how to get it. You almost never stop in your efforts and you have ambition, persistence and perseverance as qualities. As to Virgo, they initially seem much stronger than they are. However, they often run into a major problem: they can’t accept the world as it is. Lastly, the Taurus they need continuity, changes weaken them and they have a hard time coping with problems, especially when they are totally unexpected. As a positive aspect, if you are Taurus you will trust your possibilities and, in general, you will be very persistent and ambitious.

Top 3 strong signs of the zodiac

We do not want to close this content without getting wet. After speaking with our seers, astrologers and tarot readers, we present to you which are, according to them and on average, the three strongest signs of the zodiac.

It is a classification based on opinions, of course, but provided by some of the greatest experts in this field. We are lucky to have them on our website! Call them to clarify your existential doubts by consulting the stars:

  • Capricorn. For his decision, ambition, perseverance and commitment to his principles and values.
  • Pisces. For his tolerance of suffering and his constant ability to dream, hope and bid his time.
  • Sagittarius. Their emotional self-control, their ability to resist bad experiences, and their ability to defend their opinions make them very strong.

Whatever your sign, remember that everything depends on you. You can overcome and compensate for your limitations, while enhancing your strengths. Talk to our tarot readers to get it!