Protect yourself with a circle of protection

A protection circle It is very necessary, especially if you are going to do something spellalways of White magic. Although many times this can help you channel positive energy. You need very little to do it. There are very complex versions when you decide to perform powerful rituals, or other simpler ones where you can ask the deities for their protection.

When are you going to do a magic circle of protection you must know step by step how to create it, since any failure during its realization could put you in danger or, simply, the spell you want to practice will not work.

What do you need to create a circle of protection

Whether or not you have a ritual in hand, you must know what the function of a magic circle is. As its name indicates, its purpose is protect youbut more specifically from the negative energies that emanate around us.

Especially when we put into operation a powerful ritualeven being of white magic, can wake up other unfavorable energies. In this case, a well-performed magic circle will help us in any attempt to perpetrate our aura.

The least that can happen to us, before a bad circle, is that our spell fails. Therefore, we must pay special attention to each step.

Thus, depending on the difficulty of our circle, we may require Salta dagger charged with energy (prior ritual), candles of different colors (between four or five, let’s make a staff or we decide to invoke the spirits of the Cardinal points), precious stones, a representation of the four elementsetc.

The easiest circle of protection to carry out

To create this defending around your person you only need a lot concentration. Relax and, with the arm that you use the most (whether you are right or left), draw an imaginary circle around you, always following the turns of the clockwise.

Once you get it done, take a deep breath and extend both arms. Feel a white light descending within the circle and illuminating you completely. That good light can make your hair stand on end and may even give you a satisfying sensation on your skin, like a caress.

When you perceive that inner strength, you can do your invocation or prayer. Do not forget, when finished, to close the protection. To do this, you will draw the circle again, but in a counterclockwise direction.

A circle of protection for more complex rituals

In cases where you want to carry out spells with some complexitywhere they can intersect contrary energies, you can make a pentagram. This is a symbol of great power, widely used by white magic sorcerers and sorcerers to ensure that energy can flow smoothly.

At each point of staffdrawn inside a circle that you can do with Saltyou will place a candlepreferably white or, instead, one of a different color from the other, always dispensing with black.

To make the circle, you will carry out the steps of the previous point, only this time yes you will draw it on the ground or on land. After drawing it, she fills the edges with salt. Remember that salt is a powerful ingredient that, by itself, will not allow negative energies to overwhelm your surroundings.

Once the candles, which you will turn on according to the movement of the hands of the clock, you can carry out your ritual. Do not forget to close the circle, as we have previously described.

Another way of performing your spell can be done by symbolizing the four elements: water, fire, earth and air. To do this, once the circle is drawn, paint a square inside it. Each point of the square will represent an element. In it you will place a candle, a bowl with earth and another with water and incense.

After the above, you can start your prayer or incantation. Just keep in mind that you should not use black energy or magic, since by awakening this force, despite the protection, if you are not an expert you can endanger your life and that of your loved ones.

Some recommendations when making your protection

The magic circle it has a protective function, but, at the same time, and if you cast dangerous spells, its protection may not be worth it.

Never test magic on your own, because you might awaken undesirable things that are difficult to remove. Better get in touch with a specialistbut make sure you always carry out white magic rituals. If you doubt his honesty, it is best not to expose yourself to any risk.

If you use the magic that exists in the universe with positive ends, seeking your own good and that of others, you will have nothing to fear and, with greater security, your wishes will be fulfilled. If your desires are negative, first rethink if a bad action is worth it.

Find your inner peace and create your protection circle looking for tranquility and divine love.