Attract positive energy with Reiki

Are you going through a rough patch and think you could use a change of energy? Don’t worry, it’s possible attract positive energy with Reiki, as long as you contact the right people. And, of course, apply the ideal processes. You can also complement it with the appropriate tarot spreads.

One of the principles of tarot is that everything is connected. Therefore, the best seers are able to unravel these connections and anticipate the facts. But let’s not get sidetracked, let’s continue talking about the good vibes. Life is a mirror: it gives us back what we do. If you smile at him, you will soon receive that stimulating and pleasant gesture in others. Try to do it!

Consequently, we all go through negative times that feed each other. It is that misfortunes never come alone. Something bad happens to us, it affects us, we lower our guard and, without realizing it, we attract new fatalities. And so on, on a larger or smaller scale. It is essential to break this harmful spiral as soon as possible. Reiki allows you to do it.

basic principles of reiki

The Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui was the promoter of this spiritual practice that has been adopted, on a global scale, by numerous societies and cultures. It appeared in 1922 and is based on the energy transfer through the hands. That is, a person can change your energy through manual contact. In this way, for example, he is able to relieve your pain, both physical and mental. Have you ever tried it?

Basically, it focuses on reestablishing your chakras and redirecting their energies, with the purpose of rebalancing your body. Many people who have tried it claim to experience a highly satisfying sense of calm, release, relief and inner peace. That energy is redirected and channeled to reorder it, so that the different energy points that we all have are realigned in the correct way. It does not necessarily mean that the problem is eliminated, but rather that we are in a better position to deal with it.

There are even cases of people who have somatized that energetic positivity and overcome some illnesses. In any case, it is not a substitute for any scientific medical therapy or treatment. It would be more of a natural therapy that focuses on the root of each problem to regenerate negative energy.

Main applications of reiki

The benefits of reiki are applied in different personal areas:

  • Grow personally and spiritually. Through it you can find the way, live your existence in harmony and reformulate yourself in a balanced way.
  • Eliminate stress. Reiki is a great reducer of your anxiety, your emotional discomfort and your stress.
  • Relieve physical problems. Especially chronic pain, injuries and infections.
  • Create home environments more positive.
  • balance personality.

Reiki practices to attract good vibes

You want attract positive energy with reiki? There are different guidelines and actions that will help you do it naturally and effectively. Shortly after putting them into practice, you will experience an emotional evolution that is as positive as it is inspiring.

  1. Go to a specialist to receive a chakra releasing massage. Make sure you put yourself in the best hands: go to the best. On our website we always select the most experienced and talented in each discipline. Don’t take risks, look at the references and opinions accumulated in each trajectory!
  2. Learn to give yourself chakra self massage. It will not be as effective from the first moment, but little by little you can refine your technique and move in the right direction.
  3. Contact the nature. The environment is the main producer of positive energy that we can find. The sea breeze, the beauty of an exuberant sunrise or giving a hug to a century-old tree are reenergizing, liberating experiences that immediately influence your energetic harmony.
  4. hydrate very good. Water, another natural element, is also a permanent source of optimal energy. Drink it often and treat yourself to frequent hot baths, preferably seasoned with oils, salts, dried flowers and other natural accompaniments. If you combine it with self-massage in specific areas, ugh, the relief will be more than lasting.
  5. Reduce certain intakes. Tobacco, sugar, caffeine and theine are ingredients that negatively affect your energy. Pass from them. Balance your body without taking them.
  6. exercise your breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing is the opposite of what we use when we do sports. When inhaling, our gut swells; on expiration, it empties. Lie on your back on the floor and place a rolled up pillow under your knees. Extend your arms laterally, place your palms on the ground and isolate yourself from your problems. Focus on breathing from your diaphragm until you become more relaxed. And more. And even more. You will wake up like new!
  7. positivize your house. Places accumulate energy, be it positive or negative. A Reikist can perform a chakra cleansing in your home, and from then on, there are daily practices to keep your vibes going. Ordering, cleaning, painting, ventilating, lighting and taking off your shoes before entering are some guidelines.

now that you know attract positive energy with reikiyou are not determined to do it, to change your life?