White Witches: Characteristics

Witchcraft and white witches have always been associated with the ability or the paranormal gift of voluntarily managing some energies (good or bad vibrations) for or against certain people.

But if we focus only on the positive and bright side of this kind of exciting phenomena, we can talk about the characteristic white witches of these modern times. Those women with superlative intuition who are affectionately known as «good witches». You could be one of them. Did you know?

white witches exist

The word witch has a negative connotation simply because it is associated with wicked women from childhood stories. Those that put the beautiful protagonist at risk through some act of sorcery and wore a hairy mole on her face.

Luckily, the characteristic white witches today have nothing in common with those macabre and fearsome figures. Is about women with great wisdom and a good dose of magic. They have sharpened some of their senses and see beyond what is normal, that is, beyond what the sense of sight allows.

They also have a pure sensitivity that allows them to perceive some signs or mental images. This is how they can anticipate some events, make predictions or reveal unpublished information just by having an object in their hands.

They are the so-called natural witches who are among the crowd, pretending to go unnoticed, although their premonitions never leave their surroundings unscathed. It should be clear that these women use their innate gift to do good and offer it with extreme kindness (and out of a vocation for service) to other people.

White witches act from good intentions. If they are asked for help, they respond by offering their natural gift to those who need it most, but as long as the end is a noble cause. It is the kind of person who doesn’t admit giving someone bad vibes; he simply considers that no one deserves such a thing.

This is how these kind witches have behaved since ancient times. For their gift of clairvoyance, they have also been persecuted and misjudged for centuries. Fortunately, they no longer pay with their lives for it, although there are always those who confuse them with black magic sorceresses. Nothing further from them.

They are women who know how to help people. If they feel something, they say it and, many times, what they manifest changes the life of their interlocutor in a positive way.

Never fear for your presence or for his sayings. What part of the light can only transmit light. What does it mean? Since the true origin of their actions is good intentions, nothing they do has negative effects. Therefore, if you go looking for help or information and you find a white witch, trust her and her gift. She will not let you down and will accompany you on the right path towards your goals.

How to tell if you are a white witch?

If any of this happens to you, you too could be a modern witch.

  • The moonlight influences you. True witches feel comforted and energized when the moon rises.
  • Clairvoyance is part of your life. These types of women usually have anticipatory or premonitory dreams or believe they hear voices that come from beyond. Therefore, they are capable of transmitting certain information that would not be possible to access otherwise.
  • nature makes you vibrate. Being in full contact with nature doing outdoor activities fills you with good vibes. It makes you feel full and very good.
  • do you like numerology. If so, you could be part of this group of women who have certain powers that allow them to access important data associated with the numbers that are repeated in daily life and that could have some special meaning.
  • you like storms. Heavy rains strengthen natural witches. In the time before storms, their sensitivity reaches its peak.
  • You love animals and you like them. It is common for white witches to attract pets and live happily with them.
  • You are 100% empathetic. Being able to «step into the shoes» or place of others is typical of a modern good witch. Why? Because they sense the emotions of other people and empathy plays a leading role in this regard.

White witches and their characteristics typical. Having paid attention to details, she ponders if you are not one of them. If you are a good witch always act doing good. And if you are a common and well-intentioned woman, seek to consult a natural witch so that she can guide you on the path of your life.