Effective spell to make him want to see me

Making a person think of you is not so easy to achieve in a conventional way, but if we use magic to our advantage we can achieve extraordinary results. The spells to make him think of me are really efficient, and will make it possible for you to keep your loved one by your side forever. You have to try them with a lot of faith, to enjoy their benefits. This spell will make him think of you since the sun rises, you will be in his mind all day, during the night he will dream of you and he will think of you before sleeping.

These types of moorings that are made with white magic are very efficient, they make the person unable to get you out of your head, at any time of the day you will always be present, these spells when made with white magic will not hurt anyone, but in the same way you have to know that when doing these jobs the person will want to be with you forever, there will be no turning back, always keep this very clear, they are powerful and effective spells that should never be taken at stake.

An important point to pay attention to is that moorings of this type are much more effective, if they are done with a full or growing moon, the effect is usually much faster and more lasting.

Love spells so that you only think of me

We are talking about a powerful spell to make him think of you, to perform this, we are going to request the sweet help of Archangel Chamuel. To do this wonderful ritual, you will only need a red pen and white paper.

What you should do is write the name of the person you want on a piece of paper with a pen, fold it several times until it is really small, then continue to take the paper with your right hand, and repeat the process three times. Name of the person you want to attract.

Once you have done this task, it is time to recite the following prayer:

“Powerful and kind Archangel Chamuel, God of love, father of the pink flame of love, I ask you to listen to my humble prayer. Only you and I know about this pact, today my dear archangel I ask you to join me with (name of your beloved), through this powerful prayer, that this person be for me, that I be the only person in your thoughts, to go to bed thinking of me. Call me and ask me to be with him forever.

Once this is done, it is time to take a white piece of paper and place it under the pillow, once you do this it is time to repeat the name of the loved one three times.

Love spells to make you think of me all the time

There are love spells that are really effective, if you want to make a person think about you all day, then you can use one of these powerful spells, to get into their subconscious and be there forever. These spells are very easy to do, you only need five candles, a photograph of the person you love, a glass of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt.

The first thing you should do is draw a circle on the ground with the salt, do it in such a way that you can get inside the circle, place the candles outside the circle, forming another circle, once you have done this, get inside the circle with the photo and vinegar, light the candles, impregnate the photo with vinegar and recite the following prayer:

Think of me, in the same way that I think of you, fulfill my wish is my will».

Finish by blowing out the candles in an anti-clockwise direction, pick up the image and write behind it «Think of me today, tomorrow and forever»

Spell for love, so that you always think of me

For this you need a small mirror, a ball of red thread, in addition to this you need a photo of the person you want to think of and one of you.

The first thing you should do is place the photo of the person you want in front of the mirror and paste yours behind the glass facing inwards, both should be attached to the mirror. Tie the photos with the red string and say the following prayer:

«I (say your name), today (say the date), I am asking the universe and concretizing our love, today I attract your love (person you love) I know that you will not stop thinking about me, that every time you look in the mirror you will see my face, you will not be able to forget me, you will not get me out of your head, I will always be there for you, this is my great wish and so it will be, as I love you, you will love me, as I think of you, you will think of me.

Love spells to make him think of me and come back

The love spell to make him think of me and come back is extremely simple but the truth is that it is very efficient, the results are very fast, the person will return to your side. For this spell we are only going to need a red candle and a knife. You just have to use the knife and carve their initials on the candle, find a photo of the person you love, put the candle in front of it and light it. Once you have done this, repeat the following:

That you only think of me (name of the beloved), that you cannot find peace if it is not with me «.

Let the candle burn out completely, keep a photo in a place where no one can find it until the person you love comes back to you.

Love spells to make him think of me and call me

If you want the person you love so much to think of you and call you, then this spell is for you, get ready to receive the call of love knocking on your door. For this you will only need a little milk and a white candle.

First of all you must heat the milk until it boils, once this is done remove it from the heat and put it in a jar, once this is done, light the candle and let a few drops of sperm fall on the milk. Once you have done that, let the candle burn out in a quiet place, put the milk in front of the candle and say the following prayer:

mAnd you will think as I think of you, I will be in your image, you will see me in your dreams, with this dairy I will be very close to you and you will have to call me without hesitation».