Spell to get your ex back

Not all love stories that end are due to a lack of love, the loving energies that are created between two people do not disappear so easily, especially when it comes to true love. If after a long time of having ended your relationship do you still think about your exthen you don’t have to think about it too much and prepare a spell that will attract him back to you.

The moorings o Perfectly performed spells are a practice of white magic, which can help you recover that stable and firm relationship with your partner, which was lost due to fights that had a solution. You just have to put this little trick into practice, and you will feel again those beautiful emotions that filled you with happiness when you had him by your side, regardless of the type of problems they have suffered, there is always room for a new opportunity to recover to the love of your life.

these moorings they will not take away the free will of your partner, They are only a tool to move the energies of the universe and thus the path towards life for both is rebuilt, if that great love is for you then the spell will work immediately. The world has been created to be happy and love madly, so the idea of ​​doing little tricks that bring that happiness closer as soon as possible is worth it. Moorings always work when there is positive energy between two people, they will never replace someone’s feelings, so they do not have excellent results when love is unrequited.

Love spell to get your ex back

The spell that we will show you below, is performed using as the main tool: coinsaccompanied by a small paper envelope, a pinch of rosemary and a piece of red thread, it is advisable to use a coin that you have found on the street. The steps you must follow are the following:

  1. On the envelope you must write the name of your ex, and then rub the rosemary with the coin you found.
  2. Once you have the rosemary and the coin in your hand, you must name your ex 4 times, while you imagine his face in your head. For it to work every time you say the name of your loved one, you must look towards the 4 cardinal points, if you wish you can use a compass that indicates all directions perfectly.
  3. Later you must seal the envelope with the coin inside, roll the envelope into a tube, then give the rolled envelope a kiss and tie it with the red thread until it is well compact.
  4. Finally, keep the spell in a special place, and the rest of the rosemary that is left over from the first step must be thrown into the wind, at this moment you must imagine how your ex returns to your life to be very happy again.

As you can see, this is a simple spell that you can perform wherever you want, always remember to follow the process to the letter to guarantee the best results.