Love spells to make you dream of me

Hasn’t it ever happened to you that you dream of a person and when you wake up you are madly in love? Sure it does, it happens to all of us, and it is that our brain does not know how to distinguish between what has really happened and what we have dreamed. A dream is perceived as something so real that it can make us fall in love instantly with that person with whom we have practically never had any kind of intention.

And the question is: Can someone’s sleep be controlled?

My experience tells me that yes, it is possible, not easy and as always it is necessary that we do something in our control area to achieve it, but yes, it is totally possible through magic to make our loved one dream of us, It is possible to generate a powerful dream that makes you instantly fall in love with our person.

But let’s consider several points, before jumping into the void without a net.

It is necessary to generate intense contact with the person we love. Mainly for two reasons:
Mainly because the more in contact we are with the person we love, the more likely it is that this person has us in their brain, in their most immediate memories, and the more likely it is that we sneak into their dreams. As I always tell you, it’s not just a matter of magic, the universe gives us what we want as long as we do everything possible to make it possible.

Someone who doesn’t know us will never dream of us no matter how much magic we want to put into our lives.

But in addition to that we must take into account the following: the power of falling in love in a dream is fleeting! It comes very suddenly but goes away after a few days, sometimes even hours, so It is necessary that we have regular contact with the loved one and that above all we know that we are going to see the loved one the day after performing our spell.

If we do not plan to see the loved one, the most probable thing is that they dream of us but that their brain forgets the dream as the hours go by (as happens to all of us).

If you have understood the premises correctly, let’s go with the spell to get him to dream of us!

Spell to make him dream of me

To perform this spell you will need the following ingredients:

  • an orange candle
  • A jasmine incense stick
  • Your favorite fragrance (if you have a fragrance that reminds you of him the best)

An hour before going to bed, light the incense in the room where you sleep and the orange candle, letting them burn out. When you go to bed, put out the candle and the incense, wash your hands with soapy water and after drying them put a little of your favorite fragrance on your hands.

Lie on your back, your arms along your body, palms up, and repeat ten times with your eyes closed:

«It is I (say your name), who am the master / mistress of your dreams. You, (the name of the person you love) tonight, you will see me, you will feel me and you will love me just as I wish you.

After repeating this prayer 10 times you can now sleep and the next day when you see your loved one you will notice how he pays more attention to you, how he is more interested in what you say. Take advantage of the moment, because as I told you, it is fleeting.