Ritual to recover a love

Love is an inexhaustible source of feelings, but, with the passage of time, the flame of passion can run out a bit, which is why it is important to cast spells that return this important ingredient to the relationship. Love does not always make us feel good, sometimes it is inevitable to feel a little bad and tired, but there is always a way to recover the passion.

You should not let your heart be broken, if the person you love moved away from you, we have a very simple and effective ritual that will improve your life and make that person return to your side forever. This ritual is white magic, so you will not hurt anyone with it, you will only make love improve.

Ritual to recover a lost love

This ritual should be done during the waxing moon, for this phase the labors of love are very good since they make feelings grow much faster and to your benefit. The first step of it is to place a triangle of candles on the floor, then consecrate them in the name of you and your partner, repeat the name of both of you in front of the candles.

In the middle of the triangle you must place an object of yours and another of your partner in this way you will attract the energy of both. Once you have the products in the middle of the candles it is important that you put your hands on them and say:

«I consecrate these elements in the name of love, from today Aphrodite acts on them and makes them symbols of love and fidelity.»

For this ritual you will also need a small pink quartz, you must consecrate it with the aim of taking it everywhere as a token of love. These quartz will neutralize the energies, the rose quartz will substantially increase your powers in love.

Once you have consecrated everything, it is time to light the candles and pray three powerful Our Fathers from the heart. Once you have done this, locate a pencil and paper, sit next to the candles and write a letter to your loved one indicating why your love must return and stay with you forever. At the end of this, place a white envelope and put the letter in there. Once you finish, sit down again and answer the following question to the universe: Why should it be with me? After this is done, read the letter three times to the universe aloud and burn it very carefully. Let the candles burn down for the ritual to work.

Once the ritual is finished, what you should do is keep the objects in a safe place and take the quartz everywhere, remember that you have to have a lot of faith and everything you ask for will be given to you, best of luck.