In this article, we are going to show you a powerful prayer to separate two people once and for all, so we will explain step by step what this prayer is for, how and when to pray it, and how to do it the right way. correct way.
We can assure without problems, with all certainty, that this powerful prayer is effective, that here, we are going to put a strong tool in your hands and that we know that you will know how to use it for your benefit. But you must keep in mind that this prayer cannot be performed for one’s own benefit. We should only perform this prayer when we want to separate the couple for their well-being: Couples where one exerts a very negative influence on the other person, toxic relationships of friends, etc.
If we are in love with one of the two parts of the couple that we want to separate, or we want to separate them for revenge, we must be vigilant, since it can always turn against us. Only if, even though we are in love with one of the two parties, we want to separate them because they are a toxic couple, the spell can be performed.
How to work with this separation sentence
We work with a powerful love energythese prayers come from sacred ancient material books, sacred books written by true prophets of love, the prayer was tested by me and gives excellent results, also many of my relatives have done it and I promise you that it was totally successful.
This prayer will be placed in the hands of the powerful Saint Cyprian, which is one of the most powerful saints when it comes to love problems, which gives his word much more power. He prays with great faith, always believing in what he says, that they will not fail.
This prayer is very powerful, keep this in mind, it is not a game, so if you want to separate two people, make sure that person is better with You, that does not miss the other, because this only brings dishonor and danger to your life. Always pray it with a lot of faith, remember that this is what will move your prayer, believe in the words you are saying, you can be sure that this will not fail.
Prayer to separate two people
Remember that you must replace numbers 1 and 2 with the names of the two people, for people who want to forget, number one is your love, number two is the other person.
“San Cipriano, you who are the most powerful of all the powerful, please I need your help, your love, we are both made to live close to each other, I ask you to please remove the 1 from the 2, I need your powers be used to separate these two people. That they do not want to see each other, that they stay far away, one from the other. I know that you are capable of mastering love and knowing that there are people who were not born to live for each other like them, have the certainty They shouldn’t be together, I swear.»
«Oh powerful San Cipriano, you are the most powerful of the powerful, I ask you to use your willpower, so that these people separate, they cannot continue together, they do not suffer anymore, I know they need to be separated, this couple is not an example of happiness”.
«I pray this prayer to separate those people who are not happy, I know that he can be happier with me, I also know that this prayer will work correctly, so be it.»
Pray this powerful prayer, every night for a period of 10 daysevery two days you must light a candle to Saint Cyprian, This should be white, when it turns on say:
«This candle goes for the favor that only you and I know about.»