Spell and prayer to call me immediately.
There is a wide variety of white magic spells, including love spells and for the most anxious, there is the spell to be called immediately.
This consists of a ritual that is done in two ways, with black magic or also with white magic, which in this case is our purpose, and It is addressed to a person who is supposed to have felt nothing for you yet.
This spell could be used in the same way when desired attract again a love that left, so that it returns almost immediately, as it is quite effective. At the moment of being carried out, you must be completely convinced of what you want and with whom, because if there is doubt in your heart or it is simply a «passing love» or an obsession with an expiration date, it will never ever work for you.
This is the reason why we suggest that you initially do a deep meditation on what you want in your life, analyze your evolution and thus decide whether to perform a spell to bind that person forever.
Before performing this spell keeping in mind that:
In life there are two types of movements: Those that depend on us and those that we cannot control. Wanting to do a love spell on something we can control is absurd, We cannot ask the universe to grant us something that we, in and of ourselves, have the power to do.
The second movement is everything that does not depend on us, what we wrongly call luck, or coincidence. It is this part of life where spells like this are going to affect.
There are writers who also indicate that when we ask the universe for something, it wants two things:
- That we show that we are deserving of said desire, doing everything in our power in our control zone. So that, If you are not willing to do everything in your power to get what you want, quite possibly, the universe will not give it to you either.
- The second thing is that we show that we want that and not something else. If today we want one thing but in a week we want another, let’s not expect the universe to grant us either one or the other. Sometimes the spells take time to take effect, but if so, it is because we have not shown enough that we do want what we ask for.
So, although a love spell is effective, at the end it should not end there, your job from then on is to carry out small purposes of your control to achieve what you want. If the person you love doesn’t know you, you should try to get them to. If the person you want does not want you to call them, surely you should stop doing it so as not to complicate things and find honest systems to reach them.
All clear? Are you willing to do whatever it takes for your love? If the answer is yes, go ahead!
At the moment the spell is performed you require the following:
- The image of an angel or a bird.
- A blue ink pen.
- A sheet of white paper.
Initially, the image you already have is drawn on the sheet, either the bird or the angel with the pen. Once done, take the paper with your left hand and aloud recite the following sentence:
Accompanied by the 4 elements: air, fire, earth and water, I wish with all my might that (you mention the name of the person) make me a call so that the flame of love ignites between the two of us.
At the end, the name of that person is written next to their last name at the bottom of the drawing and your signature.
Now take the paper between both hands and with your eyes closed, concentrate and think hard about his face, and all the things and circumstances that you like about him, and how much you want him to call you.
Also, plan your meeting, your call… just as if you were the author of your life. Think of your life, of his, how you will meet, what he will call you, why he will do it… Write the story of your relationship in your head in great detail, Put drama on it, also think about the difficulties that there will be… The clearer your story is, the stronger the message we will send to the universe will be.
To finish you must fold the sheet and place it at the bottom of the mobile or landline phone.
You must take into account that no one, not even you, can touch said paper until the call is made. The moment this happens, you open it and thank the universe because the spell took effect and burn the paper until it is consumed.
At the time of receiving the call, you must do it in a normal, calm way, as if it were another call because it should be so, the other person may suspect that something is happening and thus the spell does not become effective.
To close the spell, once that person who called you hangs up the phone, you must recite your request again, thus you should immediately grab their attention in a short amount of time so that they call you back.
White magic to call me
White Magic spells to call me are quite effective, depending on the intensity you use to cast them. We will teach you this magic ritual so that you call me urgently, you just have to repeat these words:
“From anywhere and at this moment you will put your concentration and also all your thoughts back on me (say your name), you will understand that you cannot live without me.
Right at this moment you will begin to put aside your pride to bend it thinking of me (say your name). Will you try to resist? You will not do it!. If you (person’s name) don’t call me right now, you will call me later, although you can be sure you will.
You understand that you are in love with me, so you cannot be distant from my presence and that is why at this moment you think of me (my name). From now on I call on the three angels Miguel, Gabriel, and Rafael, so that they illuminate your heart (name of the person) and can clear up any doubts.
Miguel will expel all evil influences away from you, Gabriel will announce (name of the person) my name, blowing the word love into your ears, reminding me. Rafael will use a healing balm with which he will heal the mistrust developed in your heart. May it be so with all my love!”
At the end of the sentence, that person will have an irresistible urge to call, and that is what you have hoped for.
Easy spells for him to call me
If what you want is for him to contact you again, this is one of the easy Spells for him to call me, take note and follow the instructions.
Items we need
- 1 blue pen
- 1 sheet of white paper
- 1 photograph of a bird or an angel
The silhouette of the photograph is drawn on the paper without so many details while we focus our attention. We must take the paper with the left hand while we repeat: “Air, water, fire and earth elements I wish that (name of the person) calls me to maintain a relationship with me. Help me by conveying this message.”
Once the petition is finished, we write the name and surname of the person at the bottom of the drawing and place our signature. We take the paper with both hands, we close our eyes and thinking of the loved one we try to see her face to remember all the good things they did together, even imagine that we called him towards us. The paper must be folded and placed under our phone, and must not be touched by anyone, until they call us.