These are the best hours to drink water (and its benefits)

Despite the fact that 75% of the body is made up of water, each organism requires this substance to eliminate the toxins inside it and, thus, maximize its effectiveness in daily functioning.

On average, the human body receives around 1,400 liters of water through ingestion between meals and osmoregulation. However, through urine, feces, breathing and sweating we lose more than half of what we actually consume. Therefore, it is essential to include 2 liters of water in our daily diet (coffee does not count).

To achieve this, sometimes it is necessary to have certain hacks that help replenish hydration in our body. One of them, for example, is the ideal time to drink water:

To activate the functioning of the internal organs, it is recommended to drink two glasses of water upon waking up. Whereas, to avoid the famous «mal del puerco» (or dream after eating), drink a glass of water 1/2 hour before eating. Improve blood circulation by drinking a glass before bathing and before sleeping, avoiding the pain of cramps in the calves or thighs.

In case you have lost a large amount of H2O through sweating, you can drink a mixture of apple juice and mineral water or in a liter jar, place a teaspoon of sugar or honey, 1/3 teaspoon of salt , lemon or orange juice and water.

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