Practical advice for stomach pain and what to take in case of discomfort

Do you know what to take in case of stomach pain? Follow these practical tips to relieve stomach pain naturally.

Stomach pain is one of the most common complaints in the population, most, if not all people have suffered symptoms related to this discomfort. The truth is that it can be linked to different causes that cause it, but you can apply these tips to reduce discomfort and help alleviate stomach problems.

Causes of stomach pain




Regardless of the intensity and type of pain, the causes can be very diverse, from the food we eat to our state of mind. The most common causes of abdominal pain are:

  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • stomach infections
  • Colitis
  • Gastritis
  • gas buildup
  • Irritation
  • Diarrhea
  • The most common symptoms are:

  • Acidity
  • Reflux
  • Nausea
  • Stomachache
  • Sometimes stomach pains appear due to the food we eat. If you add too much spicy, irritating, or fatty food to your food, you will most likely end up with an upset stomach. For this reason it is important that to avoid these symptoms, you keep a balanced diet and do not abuse irritants that can harm you.

    It is also important to emphasize that you need to detect where the pain appears, normally the discomfort usually disappears in a short time. However, if this is very strong and does not subside, it is necessary that you go to receive medical attention.

    Foods you should not eat

    If you already have stomach discomfort, it’s best to avoid foods that can make the pain worse. Some foods are harder to digest than others and make symptoms worse.

    Dairy products

    When it comes to stomach aches, the first thing doctors remove is dairy, this is because they contain too much saturated fat and are difficult to digest. Avoid them at all costs and the pain will pass sooner.


    Avoid all kinds of chilies and hot sauces, as well as overly spicy foods.

    Saturated fats

    Do not consume saturated fats, whether they are present in processed foods or foods of animal origin, since they can inflame, slow down the digestive tract and be counterproductive.


    Avoid all beverages that contain caffeine, including black tea, carbonated drinks, and of course, coffee. All of these could further irritate your stomach and make the pain worse.

    What to take for stomach ache?

    ginger tea with cinnamon

    When pain appears, sometimes it blocks us and we don’t know what to take to relieve stomach pain, however, many times the answer is in our own kitchen. Infusions are the quintessential home remedies, that is because they help our body with its medicinal properties to recover sooner. Ginger tea with cinnamon is an excellent natural remedy to reduce stomach pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

    Ginger contains phenolic compounds that help relieve gastrointestinal irritation, as well as help reduce nausea and gas buildup. Cinnamon, for its part, has antioxidant, carminative and anti-inflammatory properties.

    chamomile tea

    Consuming chamomile flowers in the form of an infusion helps to ease heavy digestions and speeds up the elimination of intestinal gases. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and is an excellent remedy to treat gastric ulcers.


    Peppermint contains antispasmodic properties and stimulates digestive secretion. If you feel digestive discomfort, the consumption of mint will help reduce intestinal colic. In addition, it helps to eliminate the feeling of heaviness and burning stomach.

    It can be eaten raw or infused, it can also be added as an ingredient to a green smoothie.

    Baking Soda with Lemon

    The combination of baking soda with lemon is an almost instant and very effective remedy to relieve stomach pain. Thanks to its alkalinity, it almost instantaneously reduces acidity, which favors the balance of the mucosa that lines the stomach.

    To take it, you only have to mix the juice of half a lemon, with a tablespoon of baking soda and dissolve them in a glass of water. Shake to mix well and drink up to twice a day to relieve symptoms.

    Hot or cold applications

    Depending on the pain, sometimes heat or cold will help relieve stomach-related discomfort. So, for example, if you experience colitis pain or feel that your stomach is too inflamed by gas, the direct application of a cold water compress will help reduce the swelling and therefore the discomfort.

    If, on the other hand, you experience menstrual pain or coldness, apply a hot water compress or place a hot seed cushion directly on the abdomen.

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