Edible wild flowers that you surely know and have not tried

Nature is kind. But many of the things that he gives us, we don’t even know: for example, wild edible plants.

Perhaps we have lived believing that many of the plants that exist cannot be consumed, just because they are not in the grocery store or in the supermarket. The truth is that they are not there because many are too delicate or are not very productive to cultivate. Nevertheless, edible wild plants have multiple benefits and they can be delicious.

And if you are a vegetarian or vegan, it will be even better for you to know which plants are edible, since you will be able to give them an interesting and different twist to your dishes. The flowers, for example, often add touches of color and fragrant aromas to salads, while the leaves of certain plants can be boiled and used to vary ingredients such as spinach and chard.

Of course, it is recommended that you grow your own edible plants. Although many of the ones that we present here you can even find on the sidewalk, it is best to grow them in your garden or at home, which it is not so difficult if you dareand even less if you already have an urban garden or plan to start yours soon.

And be very careful of wild inedible plants: many are toxic. You can delve into edible plants and their benefits in books like this guidecarried out by François Couplan and Eva Styner, expert botanists from France.

Edible wild plants (and some exquisite flowers)

Tagete / Cempasuchil
Central America

This plant can be eaten raw, but in Mexican cuisine it is used for tamales, atole, soups, and infusions. Its flavor is sweet and citrus.

Africa, America, Asia and Europe

There are about 250 species of clover; among them, there is one that we all know: the common clover. In addition to having antiasthmatic and expectorant healing properties, among others, clover is a plant that can be eaten raw, for example, in salads. Its flavor is similar to that of lemon.

Quarter of lamb / Houndstooth / Shepherd’s bag
Europe and Asia

This plant sometimes grows even in cities, being a bit invasive. The immature shoots of this plant can be eaten raw, or skipped. They can also be boiled, taking a shape similar to that of spinach.

Mauve / Cheeseweed
Europe and Asia

Both the leaves and the seed pods of this plant are edible, either raw or cooked. When they are more tender they are tastier, because as they grow they lose flavor.

Portulaca Succulent / Purslane
All the world

Perhaps the most common succulent. It is also known as purslane, and its taste is somewhat bitter, similar to that of pepper. Provides many vitamins and Ghandi himself named it one of his favorite foods.

Guaje flower / White aroma / Lion’s beard / Yaravisco
Central America

The flower of this plant (an invasive exotic species) is used to make salsa. Its pod is used in Central American cuisine, boiled, and served with the flower’s own sauce.

Prickly pear flower (or prickly pear fig or prickly pear, in Spain)

Another edible flower, only this one is born from a cactus. It can be eaten raw or roasted.

Wild amaranth / Quelite

The amaranth seeds are sold, as is known, as a cereal. But its leaves are also edible, and constitute an important part of the diet in many towns in Mexico, where they are cooked like spinach to eat with tortillas.

Coltsfoot / Horse’s foot
Europe, Asia, America

The leaves and flowers of the coltsfoot can be mixed into a salad, adding an aromatic touch. The flowers can be used for infusions.

Cerraja / Lechuguilla
All the world

It is one of the richest wild plants if its shoots are eaten tender or its plants are young; if it is allowed to grow, it tends to become bitter. In some places it is used in salads, and is widely used for herbal mixtures in Italy.

* Images: 1) Flickr Marthax; 2 to 11) CC Pixabay andstock

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