13 phrases from books that inspire our soul

If you are reading this, it is because surely you also love books and everything that comes with it, and what better than phrases to inspire us in life? One day you take the right book and the next day it is impossible to stop reading, without a doubt it is a habit that all human beings should adopt in our lives. The habit of reading transports us to other worlds and times, and the happiness that this causes us is unmatched, so much so that we can spend hours and hours talking about the books that changed us, that is why on this occasion we make a brief compilation of some of them. the best phrases of our favorite books.

Phrases from books that inspire:

  • “Our lives are defined by opportunities even the ones we miss” –The curious Case of Benjamin Button

  • “What a strange thing knowledge! Once he has entered the mind, he clings to it like ivy to a rock.»Frankenstein

  • «My feelings and my desires have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever» –pride and prejudice

  • «Not everything that is made of gold glitters, nor all the wandering people are lost» –The Lord of the rings

  • «When you’ve comforted yourself, you’ll be glad you met me» –The little Prince

  • “I feel like I’m moving forward as well as moving away from something, and anything is possible” –American Psycho

  • Alicia: How long is forever? -White Rabbit: Sometimes just for a second” –Alice in Wonderland

  • “There are books whose backs and covers are by far the best part” –Oliver Twist

  • «The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and to mention them you had to point your finger at them» –one hundred years of solitude

  • “Life changes fast. Life changes in an instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends.»The year of magical thinking

  • “We tell ourselves stories to live by” –the white album

  • «Love always shows us the circularity of the world.»- Empty Set

  • «When reading we put our mind and soul, and those are increasingly scarce goods» –The wind’s shadow

  • What sentence was missing? What was your favourite?

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