How to use sunlight to eliminate stress

All life present on Earth is designed to function through solar energy. The Sun is the maximum energy source that the planet has, therefore, it is to be assumed that it forms an important part in the dynamics of life. This is why hehe cycles of the major body, that is, day and night, govern living beings and set their rhythms. Like a dance, our cycles rise and fall in a spiral that determines the amount of energy available in the body. If we manage to reconnect with the natural solar cycle, then it is possible use sunlight to eliminate stress, achieving a deep rest if we adjust these rhythms to their natural state.

The melatonin cycle

Chronobiology is a fundamental aspect of human well-being, just like a clock, our body is designed to follow the solar energy rhythm. From here it follows the circadian rhythm that is the one that governs the physical, mental and behavioral changes that the human goes through throughout the day and night, thanks to light and darkness. An imbalance in the circadian cycle will have a profound impact on both physical and mental health. A clear example of this is sleep deprivation, which in the long run has immediate consequences for neurological health and mental stability.

One of the most important hormones responsible for regulating sleep is melatonin. The brain secretes melatonin about two hours before sleep. Thus, when the time comes, the body is ready to go to rest and reach the deepest stages of sleep. Nevertheless, it is very easy for external factors to alter the production of melatonin, which will later be reflected in states such as insomnia and the inability to fall asleep at the right time.

Excessive exposure to artificial light is one of the factors that most impact melatonin production. Hence it is recommended avoid the use of artificial screens at least two hours before going to sleep. Because if you don’t get enough rest, then another hormone known as cortisol will come into action, which is the one that generates stress in the body.

Sunlight to eliminate stress

Fortunately, we can always reconnect with sunlight to eliminate stress and thus achieve a deep rest. According to Dr. Andrew Huberman of Stanford University, cortisol can be regulated through sun exposure. A simple and natural method is expose yourself to early morning sunlight for a period of 2 to 10 minutes.

Although it should be noted that, to recover natural cycles and eliminate stress through sunlight, the process must also be respectful of the natural connection. In this sense, the best way is natural light, without any type of filter, nor through glass that does not allow good UV rays to pass through. If you do it outdoors, even the mental benefits will be reflected immediately, in addition to taking advantage of the generation of vitamin D.

To close the loop, Dr. Andrew also recommends exposure to the twilight sun for 2 to 10 minutes, which is the sunset. In this way the body will know what time of day it is and will naturally regulate its melatonin cycle. The dream will come at the right time and everything else comes by itself.

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