10 Reasons Why Dolphins Are Awesome

We have all heard of the multiple feats of dolphins, those mammals that have become famous for their characterization in cinema, literature, and other cultural manifestations as friendly animals and even endearing companions of the human being. Here are even more reasons why dolphins are worthy of their reputation and our admiration:

1-They like dogs.

It’s not just us who love our canine companions, strangely enough, dolphins do too. In Ireland, there is a Labrador Retriever who enjoys swimming with a dolphin. In the mornings the Labrador jumps into the sea where his friend is waiting for him and together they enjoy playing in the water. The video captures the incredible relationship between Dougie the dolphin and his furry companion Ben his.

2- They play with whales

Near Hawaii, on the island of Kauai as well as on Maui, a strange phenomenon has been documented: dolphins playing with whales. Apparently these marine mammals like to play together, the dolphins lie on the heads of the humpback whales (Megaptera Novaeangliae) and they lift them so that the dolphins slide down their backs – a kind of whale slide.

3- Even sperm whales love them

Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are large whales with no natural predators, as their size makes them almost impossible prey. The males grow to exceed 20 meters in length and are animals that, although they travel in groups, are separated between females with young and spots. Despite being intimidating animals, in what is considered a strange occurrence, a group of them adopted a deformed dolphin. An expedition in the North Atlantic sea captured images of the unusual group moving slowly so as not to leave the dolphin behind.

4- They take care of their friends

Biologists studying dolphin behavior off the coast of South Korea witnessed a captivating scene: a group of dolphins were caring for one of their mates who appeared to be sick or injured. The group formed a kind of raft with her bodies to help her partner stay afloat and thus prevent her from drowning. The affectionate bonds between these animals show that they are extremely complex beings.

5- They make bubble rings

Just as some smokers know how to make smoke rings, dolphins make bubble rings using their blowhole. The blowhole was an evolutionary development that allows dolphins to rise to the surface for air while staying alert and looking for predators. Some dolphins use them to have fun with bubbles as you can see in the video:

Dolphins are undoubtedly wonderful creatures, worthy of our affection and amazement.

Learn about the rest of these amazing qualities at this link.


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