The moon is that weightless magnet that has mesmerized humans for millennia. His alluring glow has inspired countless poems and works of art, but he’s not the only one lighting up the universe. They are currently known 173 moons in our solar system. With names that allude to gods and dazzling landscapes, they all boast delirious beauty.
Here we show you beautiful photographs of the 10 most moons sexy of the Milky Way.
This is the side of Rhea that is always facing forward. Saturn. The photograph was taken by NASA and colored to appreciate each of its nooks and crannies. Baptized in honor of the wife of Cronos, mother of all the gods, her image inspires power and femininity.
2. Europe
Europa is a lover of the planet it orbits. Its name honors one of Zeus’ wives, the Greek counterpart of Jupiter. The cracks on its surface are due to the force with which this planet pulls it towards itself. It is thought to be filled with towering ice stalagmites.
3. Newt
This moon is the largest satellite of Neptune and the only one that orbits it in the opposite direction. Multiple volcanic eruptions have carved its rugged surface.
In Greek mythology Io was a priestess, and this moon of Jupiter it seems to honor its fervor: it has the greatest volcanic activity in the entire Milky Way. Every 1,000 years it is completely covered in lava..
It is practically a floating stone. As its craters reveal, it is getting closer to colliding with its planet, Marsnamed after the Roman god of war.
NASA/University of Arizona
6. Ganymede
Named to honor the Trojan hero, it is the largest in the Solar System. It has been proven that Ganymede takes refuge under a thin atmosphere of oxygenas well as having a mysterious magnetic atmosphere.
7. Oberon
It is located in the vicinity of Uranus and is completely made of rock and ice. Rays of light surround her, reminiscent of the magic of shakespearean character To whom does he owe his nickname? This photograph is from the Voyager 2 voyage in 1987.
8. Callisto
Another beautiful satellite that floats around Jupiter. The colored mosaics on its surface have been caused by numerous collisions. This moon, which It is as big as Mercuryis perhaps the most cratered object in the entire Milky Way.
9. Pamper
Mimas rotates at a very close distance of Saturn. It was named to pay homage to a violent giant from Greek mythology. The huge crater on its surface probably served as the inspiration for creating the death star Star Wars.
10. Our moon
Why doesn’t our moon have a proper name? The explanation is simple: we thought it was the only one that existed in the universe before Galileo Galilei dusted off his telescope. Although we can contemplate it almost every night, a beautiful photograph of the blood moon could not be missing from this list.
Phil Walter/Getty Images
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