Ozone layer: what is its importance and what makes it so special

The planet works in a balanced and perfect way, each of its components make it a biological bubble that protects us from external dangers. The ozone layer is located in the Earth’s atmosphere and has a very important function, since it filters the ultraviolet rays coming from the Sun. To protect it is to protect all the life that lies on the planet.

What is the ozone layer?

To better understand the ozone layer we must first understand what ozone is. Ozone (O3) is a gas whose molecules are made up of three oxygen atoms, which are formed in a complex chemical process in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The oxygen molecules that we breathe are made up of two oxygen atoms (O2), but up there and thanks to ultraviolet radiation, the oxygen molecules enter into a complex chemical reaction that produces the dissociation of the molecules, forming oxygen atoms. oxygen (O). When an oxygen molecule (O2) binds to an oxygen atom (O), an ozone molecule (O3) is formed.

Ozone molecules exist in all layers of the atmosphere, but the highest concentration of this gas forms in the layer of the atmosphere known as the stratosphere, which is located 12 to 50 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. Here, the formation of ozone is kept in balance thanks to the ultraviolet rays that generate the release of oxygen atoms and, in turn, the union of these to oxygen molecules. However, as this dynamic balance is very fragile, any intervention causes imbalance and damage to the natural formation of gas.

Despite the fact that we find ozone molecules throughout the atmosphere, we could say that the term ozone layer describes the area with the highest concentration of this type of naturally occurring molecules, which, as we have already seen, is located in the stratosphere. The ozone layer extends around the entire planet and covers it like a protective bubble, with a height above the Earth’s surface ranging from 10 to 20 kilometers.

Importance of the ozone layer

The Sun is a hot star, inside which a series of nuclear fusion reactions take place that produce the release of energy known as solar radiation. This includes ultraviolet rays that are classified into three types of bands: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. UV-C does not reach the earth’s surface, while UV-A reaches without any filter. However, UV-B, which has been associated with significant damage such as different types of skin cancer, leaks into the ozone layer.

Image: ESA

Simply put, the ozone layer feeds on ultraviolet rays for the dissociation of O2 and the formation of O3. In this way, it filters UV-B rays so that they do not reach us directly and thus keeps us safe from them.

If the ozone layer were to degrade, it would be devastating to all life on Earth. Exposure to direct ultraviolet rays would bring a series of consequences to beings on the planet, such as skin burns and eye irritation. That is why it is extremely important to protect it.

imminent degradation

In the 1970s, scientists discovered that the ozone layer was depleting as a result of artificially created ozone being released from the Earth’s surface. As we saw previously, the dynamic balance of the stratosphere could be compromised with any imbalance and that is what certain substances derived from human activity are causing.

Ozone depletion is greatest in the south, producing the so-called ozone hole that rises above the South Pole. Although various measurements of ozone concentration indicate that the North Pole is also experiencing the consequences, although to a lesser extent.

From the 1970s to the mid-1990s, the ozone concentration was reduced by 5%. In addition, research also warns that consequently ultraviolet radiation has increased on the earth’s surface.

How to protect it from degradation

Studies suggest that the degradation of the ozone layer is due to the increased use of certain chemicals. These produce gases containing chlorine and bromine that have the potential to break down ozone in the atmosphere. Among these are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that were used to make refrigerants, aerosols, and other types of gases.

Realizing this, the world authorities decided to restrict the production of CFCs, to recover the ozone layer that had reached critical points. While these measures certainly depend on large producers, there are also actions we can take individually by limiting purchases to CFC-free products.

These harmful gases for the ozone layer can be found in aerosols, insulation material and air conditioning systems. So it will be better to make sure that these products do not contain chlorofluorocarbons. Avoid using extinguishers that contain halons and reduce air pollution to the lowest possible. Thus, you only use the car when it is really necessary and reduce the use of heating or air conditioning. The protection that we must provide to the ozone layer is of the utmost importance, since it keeps us safe from the ultraviolet rays of the Sun. In addition, it keeps the balance of the entire planet in operation.

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