6 flower essences to combat stress and anxiety

Being a complementary and alternative medicine of the vibrational therapies, flower essences are reputed to have beneficial properties for mental, emotional, spiritual and physical activity. These different flower elixirs provide a primary focus on nature to tune into the high vibration of both wild flowers, trees, shrubs, spring water and the sun’s rays. In this way, the flowers are diluted and invigorated to strengthen their healing properties.

The energetic imprint of flower essences communicates with the psyche/soul in a subtle language, granting a connection on a spiritual, emotional and physical level. For example, in the emotionalhelp to master anguish, anxiety and nervousness, allowing us to see any situation with greater clarity and integrity; in the mindfacilitate the way to regulate excessive worries, obsessive thoughts, memory and attention problems, rigid ideas, mental overwhelm, fatigue and boredom; in the spiritualpromote introspection and meditation, connections with higher planes, intuition, awareness, empathy and compassion; in the physicalare a support to reduce the pain of various diseases.

Simply place a few drops under the tongue to maximize absorption. You can also mix the flower essence into food or drinks (such as juice, tea, milk, or water).

know this practical and simple guide on the type of flower essences that will help you combat stress and anxiety:

1. Holly Flower

This flower essence epitomizes love in Celtic lore and other ancient cultures. It helps us face negative emotions such as jealousy, envy, distrust and revenge, to transform them into compassion, tranquility, love and happiness.

two. mimulus

This essence helps reduce fear of the future and the world, shyness, shame and grief. Focused on the spiritual aspect, the mimulus It helps to find a meaning in life, as well as to build an objective path based on love, acceptance and detachment. It also stimulates the third eye and the crown chakra, facilitating intuitive experiences and self-confidence. Reduces the symptoms of psychosomatic problems, anxiety, asthma, gastrointestinal diseases and insomnia.

3. impatiens

Ideal for strengthening the tools of patience and kindness, and reducing the symptoms of irritability and exaggeration. It is a remedy for frustration and impatience, as well as panic disorders, phobias, and general anxiety.

4. Oak

It is recommended for patients who require perseverance and a sense of balance to face various setbacks. This floral essence helps to have a sense of strength despite the storms, as it helps reduce stress and its consequences on the body. Regulates the immune system and the basic survival reaction (fight, flight or freeze), restoring the sense of balance and health. It works mainly with diseases related to ulcers, headaches, hypertension, rheumatism and diseases in the spleen and liver.

5. Red chestnut

This flower essence helps to heal wounds linked to empathy, self-neglect and self-indulgence, it also helps to get out of obsessive spirals. The red chestnut helps to establish limits with those people or situations that hurt, allowing a feeling of well-being and self-care. It also helps reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress and codependent relationships.

6. Dandelion

It is a medicinal herb focused on emotional and mental detoxification that helps control emotions of anger, grief and trauma, as well as relax tense muscles (mainly neck, back and shoulders). It facilitates the tranquility of an overactive mind, contributing to an experience mindfulness.

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