Compost, also known as compost, is a type of soil made from organic waste for the care of the environment through organic recycling. But beyond that, composting is a way to raise awareness and transmit values through ecological education. When doing it, we become aware of responsible consumption and the waste that we are capable of generating. So for you to put caring for the environment into practice, we tell you how to make compost easily and simply.
What is compost?
It is a mixture of organic waste whose purpose is to start the natural decomposition process so that they can be reintegrated into the earth. All organic waste such as food, garden and packaging waste is conducive to generating high-quality compost. Its function is double, on the one hand it helps to remove this type of waste from soil, water and atmosphere contamination. But also, it becomes fertilizer with great nutrients that enrich crops, so making compost not only helps take care of the environment, but also enriches it.
How to make compost?
Making compost is not difficult at all, on the contrary, the process occurs naturally. You only have to add the appropriate elements so that the decomposition process is detonated and the waste becomes compost. According to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the fertilizer is generated through controlled microbial degradation that is triggered by placing alternate layers of organic matter, aerating them, and subjecting the mixture to a natural decomposition process that provides the soil with minerals.
What yes and what no
Before beginning to explain the procedure, you must learn to differentiate what is possible to add to the mixture to enrich it and what is not, to avoid a mass of rotten and pestilential matter. The ideal materials to add to the compost are organic waste that does not have preservatives or chemicals. We can use remains of fruits and vegetables, egg shells, natural coffee remains; as well as plant remains such as fresh stems, foliage and dry leaves.
If you decide to add paper or wood, the pieces should measure approximately 1.5 to 5 centimeters. Since pieces that are too large prevent contact and fermentation, on the contrary, smaller particles prevent the entry of air and there is a risk of putrefaction.
What you should not add are glass, plastic, rubber, wire, metal, fresh ashes, synthetic fibers, and fruits with thorns, since not all of them are biodegradable, as well as being a danger when handling the mixture.
Guide to making compost at home
Home composting is an easy process, albeit slow and painstaking. The first thing to do is choose the compost bin, which is nothing more than the container where the procedure will be carried out. The size depends on the available space you have at home, but it must have slits for proper aeration, as well as being easy to use, during the process you will need to constantly open it. If you already have the compost bin ready then you are ready to start the compost, follow these simple steps.
additional recommendations
As special recommendations you must take into account that the balance between humidity and dryness must be optimal. If the mixture dries out too much it will be invaded by mites, ants and other animals. But if it gets too wet, the dough will end up rotting and giving off a pestilential smell. With these indicators you will have to realize if what is required is to moisten, or on the contrary, add dry material to restore the balance.
Normally a homemade compost takes from 3 to 5 months to be able to be used as fertilizer, it will depend on the climate, the types of waste included, as well as the care of the mixture. The compost is ready when you are not able to distinguish the layers that you alternated, nor the waste that you added. It must also smell of damp earth and nothing else, otherwise the process failed and the waste ended up rotting. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the texture, humidity, and temperature of the mixture throughout the process, so you will know what to add and what to moderate.
Once it is ready, it can be used as fertilizer for your plants, in this way we will be returning to the earth a little of how much it gives us. We take care of the environment while raising awareness about the waste generated and the importance of not polluting the earth.
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