The 10 strangest and most beautiful mushrooms in the world

Fungi are surprisingly diverse. They can provide delicious food, psychotropic drugs, unparalleled medicines, and deadly poisons. His forms, moreover, have no comparison. These are 10 of the rarest and most beautiful mushrooms in the world.

1. Entoloma hochstetteri

Found in New Zealand and India, this tiny fungus is easily recognized by its vivid blue color, which comes from three azulene pigments. It is not known if it is edible or not, but New Zealand celebrates it on stamps and on the back of its $50 bill.

two. Clathrus archeri

known as the octopus, this rare fungus is native to Australia and Tasmania. The slender pink arms, usually four or seven in number, emerge from an egg-shaped structure. When they develop they are covered with small masses of spores called gleba. Even if it looks beautiful, you should never go near it when it matures, because it smells like rotten meat.

3. Trametes versicolor

This species is a type of shelf mushroom that can be found all over the world. Their multicolored patterns are easy to recognize. The colors vary depending on regionand the age. It is considered to be medicinal and has many cancer-protective benefits, although this is still up for debate.

4. Hydnellum peckii

This strange fungus found in North America and Europe has various names including «strawberries and cream»“bleeding tooth”, “red juice tooth” and «devil’s tooth». The young species bleed a red juice that has anticoagulant properties. And although they are not toxic, their taste is extremely bitter, which makes them inedible.

5. Gyromitra esculenta

One of the many species of morchellas false, this species is commonly called brain fungus. In Scandinavia and eastern Europe it is considered a deli, but only if it is prepared correctly. It is potentially fatal if eaten raw, so those planning to eat it need to be especially careful to remove the poisonous gyromitrin.

6. Phallus indusiatus

the delicate veiled lady It is found in gardens and forests in Asia, Africa, America and Australia. Although it’s the lace skirt that draws attention, the fungus is covered in a spore-filled green slime that attracts insects to help it spread its spores. It is edible and healthyand is used in various dishes of Chinese food.

7. Laccaria amethystina

The deceitful amethyst It is found in the forests of America, Europe and Asia. It is intensely purple when young, but loses its luster when mature. Although it is edible, it is not a good choice because it absorbs contaminants from the soil, such as arsenic.

8. Hericium erinaceus

This rare fungus has several nicknames, among which are «Lion’s mane» Y «beard fungus». Native to North America, it can be found on hardwood logs. Although it looks so weird, it is edible, and is sometimes served as an alternative to pork or lamb in Chinese food.

9. Chorioactis geaster

An extremely rare fungus called «The Devil’s Cigar»found only in select locations in Texas and Japan. In Texas, the body grows on the roots of dead cedars; in Japan, on the roots of dead oak trees.

10. Lactarius indigo

This fungus is found in coniferous forests in North America, Asia, and Central America. When the mushroom is cut or broken, the milk (or latex) that emerges from within it is a beautiful indigo blue that slowly turns green as it is exposed to the wind. Although it looks poisonous, it is edible and sold in markets in China, Guatemala and Mexico.

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