Discover the mantra that you should sing for the chakra you want to heal

A mantra, this sound or phrase that concentrates a cosmic power, releases mystical energy that is capable of awakening and modifying the state of consciousness. So when a mantra is repeated many times, the vibration that it originates runs through both the physical and mental body.

For Fritjof Kapra, the similarity of this concept with modern physics is «particularly striking if we remember that sound is a wave with a certain frequency that changes when sound changes, and that particles, the modern equivalent of the ancient concept of atoms , they are also waves frequently providing their energies.» That is to say that each particle «perpetually sings its song», producing rhythmic patterns of energy.

It is said that of nadabrahman, or first vibration, derives all the syllables of the Sanskrit language that are «the necklace of letters that the Great Goddess wears around her neck.» Since all sounds are derived from the first sound, each syllable remains part of the goddess. Therefore, the mantras They are used to summon the force of divinity and enjoy its benefits. Although their effectiveness does not depend on the semantic meaning, but on whether they are pronounced correctly so that divinity is contained in the sound.

Through the throat, chest and abdomen, the body sounder easily operates the vibration field in the space around it. in his book Tantra, the body as a manifestation of the Supreme RealityStella Ianantuoni explains that «the mantra, which in this case replaces the image of divinity, must be awakened within the person and for this the technique used is repetition or japa

Since the force of all mantras is powerful, each chakra –or energy center of the body– has its own mantra. We share them with you:

The first chakra or Muladhara. Here, in the sacral plexus –the base of the spinal column–, rests the Kundalini. It has as a mantra the syllable THE M. They correspond to and are associated with the earth element and the sense of smell. According to Ianantuoni: «In his sexual aspect he is stimulated with incense, fresh sweat and those odors that the genitals produce during excitement.»

The second chakra or svadhisthana. It is located in the pelvis, right in the prostatic or ovarian plexus. His mantra is VAM. It is related to water, and is activated by saliva, the salty taste of perspiration, and genital secretions.

The third chakra or Manipura. His mantra is RAM, and is located in the solar plexus. Its element is fire and it is related to sight.

The fourth chakra or Anahatha. It corresponds to the cardiac plexus and has as its mantra the syllable YAM. It is related to the air that touches the skin, touch and the heart. Ianantuoni explains that «in his sexual aspect he is stimulated by massages, caresses and contacts of the tongue, the penis and the clitoris.»

The fifth chakra or Vishuddha. It is located in the throat and corresponds to the laryngeal plexus. His mantra is HAM, and its element is ether. It is related to sound.

The sixth chakra or ajna. It is the cavernous plexus in the center of the skull, at the level between the eyebrows, so its element is the mind. It is who really governs the conscience to receive and send messages to the body in general, as well as to the erogenous zones. His mantra is similar to sahasrarathe last chakra.

The seventh chakra or sahasrara. It does not have bodily elements because it supposes the total elevation. The mantra of this chakra is the OM, which begins resonating in the lower and culminates in the upper. In the sexual act, both chakras are activated during orgasm.

The ultimate mantra of Tantric Buddhism is the OM MANI PADME HUM. It has numerous meanings, however it is the only one that expresses, par excellence, the adoration of sexual union: MANI translates as «jewel»; PADME, as «in the lotus» –or yoni or vulva–; HUM, the force of illumination. This mantra expresses enlightenment, «the dissolution of the ignorance that prevents us from seeing the reality that we are, is achieved through the understanding that our true being is the same Absolute that encloses both the static masculine Consciousness and the dynamic Energy feminine.»

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