Hypersensitivity or allergy to a stimulus is a response of the body to the defend against substances, environmental, food or topical, which may be affecting the immune system. It is a process in which cells, in contact with the substance that causes the allergy -called allergen-, produce large amounts of histamine, resulting in an adverse reaction.
Although allergies can sometimes be confused with psychosomatic reactions, the disease of the immune system is mainly due to biological causes –the defense of our body against attacks of bacteria and microbes–, resulting in sneezing, fatigue, rhinitis, asthma, eczema, hives, tearing, hives, cough, conjunctivitis, fever, etc.
If you suffer all the symptoms recurrently, it is essential to first visit a specialist to identify the element causing the allergies, such as dust, mites, humidity, cigarette smoke, flower pollen, cleaning products, perfumes, pet fur and so on; contain symptoms to prevent severe breathing difficulties, seizures, heart problems, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting…
To prevent crises triggered by an allergen, it is important to consider a diet that strengthens the immune system and purifies the body. Be sure to ask your doctor if it is possible to consume the following ingredients:
– Green Tea. Thanks to its properties, it relieves allergies, prevents colds and flu.
– Tea tree. It is ideal for disorders of the respiratory system, since it is a strong preventative of bacteria.
– Basil. It has antibacterial properties.
– Lemon tea. Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, it helps strengthen our defenses, relieving the symptoms of respiratory disorders.
– Chamomile tea. Helps reduce mucous membranes from allergies.
– Eucalyptus, mallow and ginger. They strengthen the immune system, helping to purify the body of substances that can harm.
For your part, avoid foods such as shellfish, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, nuts, chocolate, corn, peanuts, strawberries, tomatoes, citrus fruits, wheat and soy.
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