The bad reputation of chemical herbicides is on the rise. After cases as controversial and outrageous as that of Dewayne Johnson, who contracted cancer from intensive use of Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicidelittle can be trusted in these harmful products.
The downside is that many are unaware of the alternatives to these chemical herbicides that, like RoundUp, contain glyphosate, a chemical that damages the DNA of cells and can cause cancer.
But there really are options for get rid of the weeds and avoid the spread in the environment of the toxic ingredients of commercial herbicides –which, among other things, pollute the water–. Many of the homemade herbicides that we will show you below are made from an ingredient mixed with water. There are also simple alternative methods of clearing the brush, which are somewhat cave-like but completely effective.
Here are some easy homemade herbicides (and alternative weed control methods):
homemade herbicides
Boiling water
The undergrowth does not support high temperatures. Therefore, a great option is to use boiling water.
You just have to pour the boiling water on the weeds in your garden or orchard. If they are very large, you will have to repeat the procedure once or twice, but you will see that this completely eliminates them in a short time.
The miraculous vinegar, both apple and white, also works for gardening. Thanks to its high acidity it can kill the largest weeds.
Mix 50% vinegar and 50% water (depending on the amount of weeds you want to kill) and spray the mixture, being careful not to splash your plants or grass. If they are very large herbs, you can try a more concentrated solution in vinegar.
Salt is ideal for eliminating weeds in the long term – especially in those small crevices where it tends to grow.
In a spray bottle, mix warm water with half a cup of salt. Shake well and spray the entire field. You can also put the salt directly on the herb leaves, and then just spray with water.
But be careful: salt causes serious damage to the soil. That’s why you should only apply it directly to the leaves of the weed.
Sodium bicarbonate
Yes, baking soda works for this too –between many other things–. And it is very effective, because in addition It is an excellent homemade insecticide and prevents the appearance of fungi.
Just like salt, you just have to apply a liberal amount of baking soda on the herbs and then water them with plenty of water to spread it. You may have to do this a couple more times, depending on the size of the weed and how deep it is.
Foolproof mix of salt and vinegar
If both work separately, imagine together!
You only need:
In a 1-liter bottle with a spray you must empty 800 ml of vinegar and mix it with ¼ of salt. Then shake it vigorously to prevent the salt grains from clogging the sprinkler and so that the salt and vinegar create a smooth liquid.
You must apply it abundantly on the weeds and let it act for 2 days. If necessary, reapply. Remember to be careful not to wet the soil with this mixture, unless you want to eliminate a large area where only weeds grow – for example, between the cracks in the concrete or in the gravel.
alternative methods
uproot them
The friendliest way to get rid of weeds is to dig up their roots with the help of a shovel. It is convenient to leave them drying in the sun -because later you can make them part of a homemade compost–. But you may need something more direct, depending on how many weeds are invading your prized crops, around your home, or in your garden.
In general, not all weeds react the same to these homemade herbicides and alternative methods. That is why we recommend you do some tests until you find the one that works best for you., and then yes: start eradicating them all. Good luck!
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