Hydroponics: plants and foods you can grow in water

Life arises wherever the right conditions present themselves. The resilience of plant nature is such that it is capable of germinating even where there is no soil. This feature can be used to green spaces that do not have the conditions for a garden. Growing plants in water is the technique better known as hydroponics and there are even those who use it to grow their own food in this way. It will make your plants look beautiful, but it will give you the opportunity to grow vegetables simply and easily.

Hydroponic cultivation is a system by which the roots of plants receive their nutrients through solutions dissolved in water, instead of the soil as in traditional agriculture. In this way, plants can grow healthy and strong with all the necessary nutrients for their development.

How to grow plants in water?

Although it is a highly effective cultivation system that includes the harvesting of foods such as lettuce, tomato and strawberries, not all plants are capable of surviving cultivation in water. Although the range of species that do thrive is quite wide, so opting for a hydroponic home garden is a great idea. Whether you want to grow plants to turn your home into a botanical paradise or to grow vegetables, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

The crops can basically be grown in the spaces that you enable for it, that is, containers, bottles, jugs or any other. They should preferably be dark, so the roots won’t have to deal with direct sunlight and will have a better chance of surviving. The only part of the plant that should be in contact with water is precisely the roots. Otherwise, the plants will end up rotting and will eventually die.

If you decide to take it very seriously, for larger hydroponic crops you must take into account that the roots need oxygen to survive. In water the amount of oxygen is limited, so to transport oxygen to the plant a pumping system is required, which in other words bubbles under the liquid and thereby supplies oxygen to the plants.

However, if it is your beginning in the art of growing in water, you can choose plants that will easily survive. You only need dark containers, plants and a lot of patience, as in traditional gardening, hydroponics is not always successful, although it improves with the experience gained.

Plants you can grow in water

As we have already mentioned, not all plants manage to survive hydroponically, but even so, there are many that grow successfully. We leave you a list of plants that you can grow in water, or transfer from soil to liquid.




















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