A regression is about reliving experiences that have happened at some point in the current life, or in past lives, in a timeless moment. To achieve a regression to past lives, hypnosis is used to achieve a state of deep relaxation that allows access to the subconscious.
This method is performed by a clinical psychologist, which will guide the patient in the process and in healing. It is usually combined with other brain integration techniques and is a safe method. This type of hypnosis, called regressive hypnosis, is different from traditional hypnosis, since the patient remains in a state of consciousness during the process, and once the session is over, he is able to remember the session.
The technique allows access to subconscious information and allows it to be worked on consciously, guaranteeing the healing process. It is possible to have experiences from other lives, although it is not necessary to reach that level for healing to occur.
It is ultimately an alternative healing method, which seeks for the patient to obtain the information or healing required, to transmute healing at all levels, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. The purpose of the regression to other lives is the healing of the patient, not the experience itself, since, in some people, an illness can be a consequence of past events.
Possibly, during the regression to past lives, relive moments from the past that were traumatic and that, because they were painful, have remained in the subconscious causing illnesses. The advantage of therapy is to relive the events as if it were a movie, where the pain does not exist. It is important that the technique is performed by a specialist to prevent it from causing distress to the patient.
regressive therapy, It is considered an excellent tool for healingsince it is characterized by a visual experience, in which the patient remembers images from the past, with which he is familiar but which are not linked to his present, but of which he is the protagonist of the visualization.
All kinds of emotions may be revived, even those that are unknown to you. Like love, sadness or joy, although he is not affected by them. For this reason, it is affirmed that regressions to past lives provide mental clarity, healing depressions, ailments or phobias. There have even been physical healings of patients suffering from psoriasis or dermatitis.
It is common to question the opportune moment to carry out regressive therapy, however, it is appropriate when there is something in life that blocks the patient, such as fear, sadness, guilt or anger, which prevent them from moving forward. Experts affirm that it is necessary to heal the circumstance that caused that feeling, disappearing and remaining only in the memories.
You should know that feelings such as fear lead to insecurities and can generate a state of deep sadness when you feel unable to overcome it. However, it is opportune to clarify that not all the conflicts in your life come from past lives, although in the cases that do happen, it is necessary to connect with the moment and eliminate emotional burdens.